We Can Rule This Out

June 08, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Christi

Well, we can rule out the munchies as a cause for Governor Chris Christie’s lack of petite svelteness.  Christie says that if he’s president, states do not get a pass on decriminalizing marijuana.

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie says he’d revive enforcement of federal marijuana law in states that have legalized recreational use of the drug if he were president.

And he says if that position causes him political trouble in battleground Colorado, so be it. He says he won’t pander to voters or hide his positions for political expediency.

I guess Christie would understand about how pot leads to crack.  He has been on the super highway between crack and pot several times himself and mainly got stuck at both ends at once.

Plus, he knows that playing monopoly is a gateway to full scale political corruption.  


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0 Comments to “We Can Rule This Out”

  1. Of course Christie won’t pander to voters. He’s too busy pandering to Iowa kingmakers and their ilk: http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/govbeat/wp/2014/12/03/christie-vetoed-n-j-pigs-bill-to-charm-iowa-ahead-of-2016-critics-say/

    I mean, why waste perfectly good pandering on ordinary people?

  2. Old Mayfly says:

    Juanita-Jean, you were kind to Christie by not showing him in those baseball pants again. But maybe you were just being kind to us.

  3. Of course, the lead of this story is that another conservative is telling you he is all for states and localities making decisions until he disagrees with those decisions. Instead of Apocalypse Now it should be Hypocrisy Now.

  4. Mary Beth says:

    He knows that legalized pot gives one the munchies, and as you have so graphically shown he can’t afford another round of those.

    On the other hand, he doesn’t want other people with addictive personalities getting their drugs. He’s got his.

    One of your commentators hit the nail: he had the lap band and then ate over it. It supposedly only works for about a year, and you need to learn to eat in small doses. He can’t handle his addiction, and presumes no one else has any self-control.

  5. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    The Outlaw Jersey Whale suffers from some form of reverse body dysmorphic disorder that supports his delusion that he’s still the high school athlete he once was. His political aspirations suffer from a similar unfounded arrogance. The man is political toast.

    As for his views on marijuana, he’s practicing medicine without a license and law enforcement without a clue. He thinks he is special. Well yes, he is a special blend of arrogance and ignorance on a foundation of bully boy.

    I’m not a doctor either, but hearing of one child improve from the benefits of medical marijuana or cancer patients physically able to tolerate their treatment due to medical marijuana indicates that the marijuana issue is best left to doctors and their patients, not politicians.

    I’m also not a history major, but … regarding the law enforcement angle on drugs, I can do the math as to what it costs us to be dicks about drugs and I remember a little high school history about a failed program on alcohol known as Prohibition.

  6. e platypus onion says:

    The light at the end of Joisey’s tunnel is the headlight of an oncoming train.

  7. if he were president.

    Reminds me of the Spartans’ response when Alexander the Great told them to submit, because if his armies invaded their land, he would kill their leaders, raze their city, and enslave their people.

    The Spartan reply: “If.”

    And here’s some info on what happened when Portugal decriminalized drugs:

  8. JAKvirginia says:

    @Mary Beth: He eats in small doses… about every 10 minutes.

  9. Hmmmm. Pandering to voters. I thought that was called representational government. Go figure.

  10. maryelle says:

    Christie would love to get his hands on the Bully Pulpit, since he figures he’s the only one who really knows how to use it.
    Arrogance and ignorance will be his undoing.

  11. What a marooon!!! This is a con to distract the multitudes from the fact that Bridgegate is about to bust loose all over again and this time will be way worse than the first. The gal who got it in the neck on Bridgegate has petitioned to see the paper file on what allegedly she did. Guess what! It doesn’t exist anymore. That, folks, is agin’ the law. And all this lawyers that worked for New Jersey (Christie) are pretty much all former federal prosecutors. They know how long they have to hang on to the paperwork. She’s got a real good case!

  12. If by some mischance Christie were elected to be President I would need something a whole lot stronger than marijuana. In fact, I would need both uppers and downers. Simultaneously.

  13. angstrom says:

    serve the 1%,

    become a cannibal.

    it’s all in the sauce.

  14. Amanda Matthews says:

    Someone needs to tell Cris Crisco to relax. He’s never going to have to deal with the problem. They can pass this along too. He’ll find it handy if he ever wants to see the inside of the White House…

    White House Tours
    Public tour requests must be submitted through one’s Member of Congress. These self-guided tours are available from 7:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Tuesday through Thursday, 7:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays (excluding federal holidays or unless otherwise noted). Tour hours will be extended when possible based on the official White House schedule. Tours are scheduled on a first come, first served basis. Requests can be submitted up to six months in advance and no less than 21 days in advance. You are encouraged to submit your request as early as possible as a limited number of spaces are available. All White House tours are free of charge. (Please note that White House tours may be subject to last minute cancellation.)

    If you wish to visit the White House and are a citizen of a foreign country, please contact your embassy in Washington, DC for assistance in submitting a tour request.


  15. my guess is the private prison industry is suffering a severe revenue drop, in those states that have legalized pot for recreational use. can’t have angry shareholders.
