Hey, Quit Laughing. Rick Perry Can Do This Thing.
Remember how in the Oops! debate Rick Perry wanted to eliminate the Department of Energy?
Well, he can do that, y’all. He can. He can totally and absolutely destroy the entire department and leave it in a smoldering heap. Look what he did for Texas – next to last in education, #1 in the percent of uninsured adults and children, 42nd in the number of physicians per capita, 4th in the percent of people living below the federal poverty level, 48th in median net worth of households, 1st in the amount of recognized cancer-causing carcinogens released into air, 43rd in high school graduation rate, last in worker’s comp coverage, 46th in homeowner’s insurance affordability, and I’ll stop there because there’s actually no end to this.
See? He can destroy anything.