Hey, Quit Laughing. Rick Perry Can Do This Thing.

December 13, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Remember how in the Oops! debate Rick Perry wanted to eliminate the Department of Energy?

rickyperryWell, he can do that, y’all. He can. He can totally and absolutely destroy the entire department and leave it in a smoldering heap.  Look what he did for Texas – next to last in education, #1 in the percent of uninsured adults and children, 42nd in the number of physicians per capita, 4th in the percent of people living below the federal poverty level, 48th in median net worth of households, 1st in the amount of recognized cancer-causing carcinogens released into air, 43rd in high school graduation rate, last in worker’s comp coverage, 46th in homeowner’s insurance affordability, and I’ll stop there because there’s actually no end to this.

See?  He can destroy anything.


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0 Comments to “Hey, Quit Laughing. Rick Perry Can Do This Thing.”

  1. charles r. phillips says:

    Yeah between him and Kathy McMorris Rodgers, the national park system is screwed, gone, fini.

    Thanks. James Comey!

  2. Despite its name, the Dept. of Energy is more concerned with our nuclear stockpile than with extracting every last drop of oil we can squeeze from the U.S. Either Trump doesn’t understand that or he doesn’t care. Or worse, both.

    Perry has zero science background, much like Ben Carson has zero housing background. Trump is living up to the moniker “Putin’s useful fool” for sure.

  3. We need to make “Thanks Comey” a meme for this whole clusterf*ck of an election and term of office.

  4. Jane & Polite Kool Marxist says:

    The Electoral College wants a classified briefing on the Russian hacks. Meh. Why don’t they ask for Donnie’s tax returns and his phantom plan to ‘divest’ himself of his many layers of conflicts of interest?

    @KellyannePolls Wot? First 100 days equals 100 acts of treason with Donnie.

    United States Secretary of Energy, Dr. Ernest Moniz to pRick Perry. Those are some briefings I’d like to attend.

  5. @TTPT
    Your “Putin’s useful fool” comment sent me to Wikipedia to see a definition of “useful idiot”. Lo and behold, I interpreted “Trump voters” from “In political jargon, a useful idiot is a person perceived as a propagandist for a cause whose goals they are not fully aware of, and who is used cynically by the leaders of the cause.”

  6. TTPT, is knowing that Ricky will be in charge of our nuclear stockpile supposed to make us feel better? If he’s not the one squeezing the continent dry of oil and coal and stuffing it all into the atmosphere to screw up the climate worse, somebody else will be doing it– we know that.

  7. But . . .but he has those glasses!

  8. Sam in San Antonio says:

    The cutting edge of Cyber Security is being done in Department of Energy labs. I’m pretty sure that technology will be in Russia’s hands soon, especially with Trump and Perry in charge.

  9. WA Skeptic says:

    What will our country look like in two years? Check out Kansas and Michigan. Smoking ruins.

    The Rethuglicans have been trying to get Progressive politics out of our country since FDR; with the attacks on Social Security and Medicare, it looks like they’ve got a good start on it.


  10. Hey! You left out the teen pregnancy rate. Whaddya wanna bet Texas is in the top four?

  11. A number of the new junta are ugly-minded buggers, but with Perry and Carson at Energy and HUD, it just seems like the elementary-school kids have wandered into the place and climbed into the big chairs behind the desks, waving their feet in the air, wondering what the buttons on the phone are for…..

  12. daChipster says:

    They’ve got zero brains and ungodly amounts of power with no conscience and a short attention span. We’re gonna need a second Nuremburg for the whole lot of them.

  13. ,That Other Jean says:

    @two crows: Yep. As of 2010, Texas was in a tie for third with Arkansas, and behind New Mexico and Mississippi, according to the latest statistics I can find.

  14. The ACLU and other NGOs will be kept busy in the courts suing those idiots for all the laws they’ll try to ignore. Investigations galore!

  15. charles r. phillips says:

    At first, investigations will have to be at the state level. Then, as thing deteriorate, we might get the House and Senate investigating. There is no way we will get the DoJ under Trump investigating.

  16. The folks in West Texas owe their fat disability checks to the market values of Rick “Store it Anywhere” Perry.

  17. My money says Trump will punk Ricky by giving him keys that don’t fit his office door.

  18. Tilphousia says:

    Doubtful that Ricky will be able to find the correct building but we can hope. What a dips**t! (Sorry Momma)

  19. AlanInAustin ... says:

    Perry ain’t just a state capital kind of idiot — he’s more of a Swiss Army Knife of idiot.

  20. AlanInAustin, that’s is Really Funny!

  21. I left Texas in 1967. I remember Texas when it had the best highways, every high school was proud of its champions, the best band boosters manned by parents, and the Universities were the tops. When I visit there now, it is distinctly different from the Texas I knew and loved. Molly Ivins said (prior to W’s election to President). “If you want to know what he’ll do, come look at Texas’ roads.”
