“He’s Just a Hound.”

October 28, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Everybody’s favorite dog, Rep. Scott DesJarlais (R-Tenn.), the God-fearing Republican who asked his mistress to have an abortion, appears to have a busier schedule than we first thought.

Another mistress has come forward.

He picked her up while he was her doctor.

… she eventually dropped him as a physician after he kept pressing to keep it going.

“His biggest thing that’s completely unethical is him just picking up women while he’s a doctor,” the woman told the paper. “I mean, seriously, that’s his big no-no. … He’s just a hound.”

A hound?  Oh that is so appropriate.  I admit to laughing out loud  and doing a little happy dance to see a woman take down a hypocrite with such an impressive word.

Thanks to Sharon for the heads up.

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0 Comments to ““He’s Just a Hound.””

  1. Worst pick-up line ever: “Say, AHHH”

  2. TexasEllen says:

    Very worst, “Put your feet in these stirrups.”

  3. We in Tn are just soooooo proud of all these idiots that SOMEBODY ( Repubs) keep voting in . Our state only has one color in politics….RED and it does not matter how low and ignorant you are…

  4. Kate oDubhagain says:

    A Bird Dog!

    (remember the Everly Brothers song?)

  5. This lady also mentioned that DesJarlais was a really nice guy who smoked pot with her and prescribed her pain pills for their dates. Nice guy?

  6. Wow, he’s a real gem, isn’t he? Is a hound the same as a horn-dog?

  7. @WhitesCreek
    “prescribed her pain pills for their dates.”

    I had to laugh. Was he doing something on their dates to cause this woman pain?

  8. Holy moly. Doesn’t Tennessee have an ethics board for physicians? Is this guy still practicing?

  9. Angela: I’d need pain pills or a bag over one of our heads before I’d date that guy.

  10. Yeppers, TN does have an ethics board for doctors. The odd part of filing a legal complaint is that the Dr. is named a John or Jane Doe to protect their privacy. Seriously doubt anyone in TN cannot figure out who DesJarlis is when they read the complaint.

    I keep hearing rumblings that TN may go Blue for President Obama~that would be excellent and then in two years we can be rid of the rest of the Evangelibaggers and that lousy Guv Haslam, who has DONE NOTHING to stop them. He does not have the decency to VETO their IDIOCY.

    Maybe that is why Lt. Guv Ron Ramsey (R-ReallyIgnorantBagger) is following me on Twitter.

  11. No matter how hard I try to wrap my head around this, I will never understand the attractiveness of the fat Republican toads out there who always seem to have mistresses stashed all over the place. At least this guy numbs them out with drugs but one wonders why they would get that close in the first place.
