He’s Got His Fingers In His Ears And He’s Yelling La-La-La

July 01, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Texas Lt. Governor Dan Patrick is a damn hoot.  I mean, here’s some guy who couldn’t run a Jiffy Lube trying like the dickens to run Texas.  In Texas, the lt. governor has more power than the governor. Also in Texas, both of them have the same combined IQ as the speed limit.

You probably remember Dan as the guy who said we older folks should be glad to die of the virus to save the Texas economy.  He said he would, and then, of damn course, he didn’t do it.

Yesterday, in a fit of intelligence envy, we got to watch Dan Patrick say he was no longer going to take the advice of Dr. Anthony Fauci.  Whaaaaat? Huh? Translate that in English, please.  Dan Patrick has never taken the advice of Dr. Fauci. Never.

Dr. Fauci says not to open up Texas while we are on an upswing. Dan says, “Open Texas! Especially the bars!”


So we open up the bars and restaurants and – oh shock! – the needle goes off the charts. And we kill a bunch of people, but not Dan.

Dan says …

“Locking down doesn’t work! If it did, those two states [California and New York] would be doing better than Texas. Fauci said today that he’s concerned about states like Texas that skipped over certain things. He doesn’t know what he’s talking about! We haven’t skipped over anything. The only thing I’m skipping over is listening to him. … He has been wrong every time on every issue. I don’t need his advice anymore.”

Yeah, well, I don’t think Fauci wants Dan’s advice either.

Dan skipped over the part that said don’t kill people.

Y’all, I have a blister on my forehead from banging my head on the table.


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0 Comments to “He’s Got His Fingers In His Ears And He’s Yelling La-La-La”

  1. weakgrip says:

    the speed limit of Oregon is much more likely.

  2. Sam in Superior says:

    Dan Patrick was already an idiot then he found “Jaysus” at Second Baptist. He and Ted Cruz are poster children for hypocrisy.

  3. It’s on the voters of Texas. If he gets elected again, we deserve the consequences. Getting on an airplane with an untrained pilot who believes in magic is a choice. Selection on the most basic level(not to be confused with evolution).

    I would also encourage Dan to be a man of his beliefs And lead by example. No doctors/scientists need be consulted for any personal ailments. Just pray, it will take its natural course.

  4. Dear Mr. Patrick,

    Per this note from my employer, you are not doing better than New York and, in fact, residents from your state are required to quarantine for 14 days if you visit there:

    The Connecticut, New Jersey and New York state governments recently issued a joint advisory that requires travelers entering their states to quarantine for 14 days if they are traveling from states with high COVID-19 test rates.

    Currently, that list includes Alabama, Arkansas, Arizona, California, Florida, Georgia, Iowa, Idaho, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, Nevada, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas and Utah. This list is subject to change, as are quarantine requirements. Make sure you are aware of any specific situations of your travel destination and home state before planning any travel.

  5. Grandma Ada says:

    While we have our eyes on November, I would love to see credible Dem candidates start aiming at State offices, Gov., Lt. Gov. etc. We need to escape from our GOP overlords!

  6. Malarkey says:

    @Mel #3 – I don’t think the Christian Scientists would want to claim him.

  7. @weakgrip@1: or school zones

  8. The Surly Professor says:

    Great Googly Moogly, Tom@4! Don’t send that to the Looting Governor. “… if they are traveling from states with high COVID-19 test rates” means that he’ll use it as an excuse to stop even the minimal amount of testing going on in Texas.

  9. Brad in Dallas says:

    “Dr. Fauci has been wrong about everything”? He really said that? I’d take Fauci’s advice about translating ancient Sumerian before I’d take Dan Patrick’s advice about wingnut sports radio talk shows, which may be the only thing Patrick knows how to do.

  10. The sad fact is that the Trumpanzees and MAGAots absorb every molecule of stupidshit that the Patricks, Abbotts, tRumps, etc., excrete, and faithfully recycle it.
    The LTE section of my local rural newspaper is constantly filled with the homegrown RWNJs regurgitating the latest Rethug talking points that are floating around on FuxNooz or the tv/radio. It’s stunning how closely they follow the party line, and how fervently they ‘believe’ the bullshit. The county votes ~75% Rethug.

  11. Dan Patrick had already firmly secured his position as one of the stupidest people who ever lived. What’s he trying for with this stunt?

  12. treehugger says:

    Last I heard, New York is doing a whole lot better than Texas. Dan Patrick is a smug asshat.

  13. Fred Farklestone says:

    I wish someone (on-air, in person) would ask Patrick if he would walk around in a minefield that has been identified with the following signs –

    If he says “no only a idiot etc would do that!” Then ask him why he walks around outside of his home, without a mask on!

  14. Harry Eagar says:

    If Trump can really make things magically go away, why doesn’t he start with Dan Patrick?

    I swan, I have always upheld Pass the Biscuits Pappy O’Daniel as the paragon of what a successful Texas pol should do but Patrick is on a path to usurp him.

  15. Doesn’t Dan Patrick own a bunch of bars?

    You know the places where people are rapidly catching the coronavirus and dying. I don’t have an MBA, but killing your customers has never been a good business plan – ever.
