Here’s The Deal
Here, right here, is what I do not understand about Republicans.
Why does every damn thing have to revolve around taxes? Here is an article from my local newspaper that publishes 3 or 4 times a week. This was on the front page and got itself a blue background so everybody could see the hard work of one of the last remaining Republicans in the county is doing in Austin. I’ll let you read it because it ain’t long.
First of all, why do teachers have to buy school supplies? That’s crazy. We don’t expect government judges to buy their own computers, expect nurses to buy their own syringes, nor do we expect garbage men to buy their own tires for the truck. I know teachers who carry a second job just to be able to afford being a teacher. We seem to find plenty of money when the Governor wants something.
How ‘bout we pay them a wage commensorate with their education? Then if you expected them to buy their own supplies, I wouldn’t get so mad.
Sales tax in Texas is $8.25. So yeah, whoop-de-damn-double-do.
Jetton, you are not helping teachers. You are sending yet another message that things do not need to get better for them. 8.25%? Hell, they are supposed to give their church 10%. I’m talking to you, Jetton, you fund schools or you give teachers a raise but don’t give an 8.25% tax break on spiral notebooks and expect me to tap dance for you.
And by the way, Dude: How is this “putting more money directly into the classroom?” You’re expecting them to spend more of their own money?