Mitch is Worried

March 16, 2021 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, would Mitch be saying this is he thought for one minute that Republicans were going to win back the senate?


No, he would not.

Who does he think he’s kidding?  Drained of comity and consent? From a man who held the senate hostage for a year over a supreme court nominee? And then rammed through a last minute appointment for Trump.  Oh, please.  We were there January 6th. We saw scorched earth, compliments of Mitch McConnell.

Dick Durbin responds …


Mitch McConnell is a mean, crooked, desperate old man and losing control of the senate is the worst thing that’s ever happened to him. And he’s going to be cussed meaner if his wife gets indicted.


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0 Comments to “Mitch is Worried”

  1. Mitch sounds like a man who’s afraid that after all this time pandering to corporations and Evangelicals, bottom line, he’s a man worried others are about to do unto him.

  2. BarbinDC says:

    Yeah, it’s the wife thing that prompted me to buy popcorn futures.

  3. Karma is a …..

  4. Barbin DC @ 2,

    More popcorn! I say bring the indictments against his wife. Maybe he’ll get so stressed he’ll have a fatal health event or maybe the sclerotic old bass turd will suddenly resign rather than face defeat.

  5. dobleremolque says:

    So…. how is threatening to do what you do already a threat?

  6. Durbin got it right. It’s the old “DON’T MAKE ME DO SOME MORE OF WHAT I’VE ALREADY DONE TO YOU BY DOING IT TO ME!!! ILL DO IT!!! I SWEAR TO GOD!!!” trick.
    Sclerotic old bass turd. (I like that one!)

  7. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Moscow mitch says nobody can imagine a scorched earth senate with a straight face. I guess he doesn’t understand how big an invitation that is for karma to visit him, and not in the way he’d like.
    Speaking of moscow, mitch, wonder what he thinks of the latest report from the department of justice intelligence division on russia, russia, russia meddling in the 2020 election including calling out one of his colleagues, ron johnson? It came from information that was gathered under trumpf’s regime.

  8. Jane & PKM says:

    We can only hope that Majority Leader Schumer and the Democratic Senators are as tired of Moscow Mitch as we are. That man is as infuriatingly tedious as he is corrupt.

    Rumor is that Mitch is shopping around for his replacement. Please tell us that the old boy isn’t shopping 6 years in advance, but that there is something more immediate in the works. Although with Mitch gone, it won’t be all puppy dogs and rainbows. Without a doubt Morton C. Blackwell has more than a few Senate trainees from his institute prepared to assume the obstructionist mantle.

    And, other rumors that make a person gack. Hillbilly carpetbagger J.D Vance is being groomed by Peter Thiel and the Mercers to run in the Ohio crowd for Portman’s seat.

  9. Ted from the left Coast says:

    Jane@8 has it right. Mitch is looking for a replacement in case he to leave his office in a hurry. The governor of Kentucky is Andy Beshear a Democrat, who would replace Mitch.

  10. Ted from the left Coast says:

    Mitch is looking for a replacement in case he has to leave his office in a hurry.

  11. Oldymoldy says:

    He sounds so humble and sincere, and soooo concerned about the health and welfare of the nation… doesn’t he?
    I think maybe I may soon be sad about all the vicious things I’ve said about him. ;-’(

  12. WA Skeptic says:

    That’s rich, coming from someone who turned the Senate into a graveyard when BHO was elected.

    Turn him over and put a fork in him; he’s done.

  13. I hate to rain on the fun, but there is a nasty chance that Republicans will take back the Senate in 2022.


    The House as well is at risk.

    The baked-in electoral advantages the Republicans have are not to be underestimated.

    That said, the best thing for Democrats to do is to get as much possible done before 2022. Don’t waste time to negotiate with terrorists. Mitch is at the top of that list.

    And, if the worst happens and Mitch gets control again, don’t pretend he is arguing in good faith now. He will do what he wants then regardless of how much appeasement you dole out his way.

  14. thatotherjean says:

    Mitch McConnell, who has done his level best for years to drain the Senate of “comity and consent,” is worried about “scorched earth”, now that he’s not the one in charge? Tough, McTurtle! I’m sure the Democrats learned a great deal from you. It will be interesting to see how they use it.

    Please, Democrats, use it to get as much done as possible before the mid-terms. The Republicans wasted no time negotiating with you when they knew what they wanted; you are not obligated to negotiate with them.

  15. Okay, you want hardball Mitch? How about we start pulling military units out of Kentucky. Leave the bases there but station the units elsewhere, perhaps in districts that are both loyal to and appreciative of the economic boost that federal employees, and civilian support staff associated with troops at a base, bring to any local economy.

    No need to close the bases. That might violate various previous congressional mandates. Base closing commission and all that. No, simply relocate the troops en-masse for training missions in , say, California.

    Do it suddenly and by the entire division, including command structures. Mitch wakes up Monday to find that half a billion dollars in federal paychecks has disappeared from the local economy around Fort Knox and there are now 50,000 newly unemployed people in his district. A double whammy.

    And do it again in a week. And every week after until he complies.

  16. The Surly Professor says:

    I agree with Alan @ 13 (but don’t want to). This has been a pattern that’s held throughout my life: the Republicans screw things up so badly that they lose in a presidential election year, but the riled-up Democrats don’t go to the polls in off-years. Result: the Rs get control back. That’s the reaon so many states have their governor elections in off-years, it gives the Rs an advantage. Don’t forget how Obama won in a landslide in 2008, only for congress to be taken over by the hoodlums in 2010.

    The only way to stop this pattern is to get people up and to the polls in 2022. Or to make it easier to vote, especially in the precints where it’s already been made almost impossible for working people to get to the polls. Recall 7-8 hour waits in some polling sites, generally ones where people suffer from a chronic skin condition called “being too dark”.

    The Texas Democratic party has a post-mortem on the 2020 election, and one standout conclusion is that person-to-person canvassing with election day followup is the best way to get people to vote. And that the Republicans just did a better job of registering people and getting them to the polls (mostly via bullshit about gun-grabbing, abortion, and wearing tan jackets).

  17. I’m surprised no one hit this nail yet.

    “I’m stronger than mule piss.”

    And as a human being, just as rancid.

  18. john in denver says:

    Huh… McConnell “We can’t do good things, we can’t always stop the Democrats from doing good things, but we can be even bigger impediments.”

    His announcement shows he already thought through a set of tactics — that is fairly telling of how his mind works and how he expects the Senate to work.

    Here’s hoping McConnell becomes an issue in EVERY Senate campaign — “will you vote to support McConnell as Leader?” needs to be asked of every Republican candidate.

    If Democrats in the majority do modify the filibuster, and McConnell responds as promised, Democrats will need to change the rules some more to limit time wasting moves such as “read the bill out loud” and multiple quorum calls. If Democrats fall to the minority, they need to have a clear approach to opposition, one which may employ some of these tactics in an effort to show how their policy suggestions are better AND how they are being ignored by Republicans.

  19. Harry Eagar says:

    At least some of the Democrats seem to have learned their lesson. Slow learners.
