Here’s the Deal

December 12, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Guys, we’re in the midst of a very close election for the city of Houston and looking dead solid at the distinct possibly that Houston may have a Republican mayor for the first time in 50 years.  Not only that, but he’s a gay-hating, racist, Tea Party jerk who may win on voter turnout alone. Today is election day and it’s raining.  Crap.

I worked the ballot board all day yesterday.  We certify the mail ballots and open them to be counted.  I don’t mind losing elections but I hate getting one stolen from me.

If you live in Houston, go vote for Sylvester Turner.  Right damn now.

I’m going to be phone banking today because my momma and grandchild both live in Houston.

There have been a few requests for pictures of Ben.  This one was taken last month at his second birthday party with his Grandpa.


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That’s why you need to go vote.

Thanks for your patience and indulging me once a year for pictures of Ben.


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