Here’s Our Problem

January 08, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Oh y’all, somebody check Lindsey Graham’s ears. I think Trump is sucking his brain out. Or, at least let’s pinpoint the exact time Lindsey became Trump’s girlfriend so we’ll know what he’s being extorted about.

Democrats have offered Trump some good deals on the wall, better deals than I would ever have offered. Trump won’t budge except for one thing – he doesn’t call it a wall anymore.  He calls it a fence, and will continue to call it a fence until he gets his money. Then it becomes a wall again.

So now, thanks to Lindsey, the wall lovers have a new demand. You know, all demands do is make it look more and more like we are being held hostage by bank robbers. Lindsey Graham says that talks to end the government shutdown will ceased until …

“We’ll have offers on the table when we find somebody that’s not crazy to deal with. We’re not going to put any offers on the table as long as people in charge of these negotiations accuse all of us who want a wall of being a racist.”

But Lindsey, you are.

You cannot stand beside Trump’s wall and say you’re not a racist. You just can’t. That’s ridiculous.

Honey, if you don’t want people to say you are a racist, stop being a racist.

Problem solved.



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0 Comments to “Here’s Our Problem”

  1. Suck his brain out? Nah. Nothing there to begin with.

  2. So let me get this straight, we have a brain-less nacilbupeR president to complement the spine-less nacilbupeR?

  3. Jane & PKM says:

    Anything you’d like to tell us about recent court news, Lindsey? Some connection to the Russian oligarch on trial for two attempts to murder for hire the youngster schtupping his wife who just happened to have a condo full of weapons and cash. Maybe the Russian enterprise arguing in court with Team Mueller mentioning nude photos. Something happen at Mara-da-Blowhole perhaps. We know a man of your principles wouldn’t kowtow to Donnie simply to replace Jeff Session and now acting AG Meatball, would you? Nevermind …

  4. At least they acknowledge nowadays that being called a racist is not a good thing. I suppose that’s some degree of progress, if you’re a racist.

  5. Could somebody knowledgeable about the building industry please tell me if all the cement in the USA is owned by foreign companies, mostly Mexican? If true, that must be why we need a steel wall instead of one made of concrete. I read about Cemex about a year ago. Somebody must have just told Donald.

  6. He is the worst male chauvinist pig out there. Smart, powerful women are “crazy”. He aint seen crazy yet. We are just getting started.

  7. There’s a difference in accusing someone of being racist, versus describing someone as racist. In the second case, the racist has already proved the point.

  8. Attempt dos because my keyboard, my hands, and my brain are not synched today…

    So let me get this straight, we Americans have a brain-less nacilbupeR president to complement our spine-less nacilbupeR Senate?

  9. I’m not saying the GOP is racist, but all the racists think they are.

  10. Crone @5, Glad you mentioned Cemex, I’ve brought it up here and elsewhere before a couple of times.
    Cemex is headquartered in San Pedro Garcia Garza, a very wealthy part of the Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mx area (like the River Oaks part of Houston, only bigger, with many company HQs). Their US headquarters are in Memorial City, Houston, TX. Despite looking all over, I haven’t found just how large Cemex’s US (concrete/building materials) market share is, it is a very large share though. Of course it’s a tough market sector to crack in some areas, being locked up by our own Mafia types…which might be another factor in ‘the switch’…hmmmm…

    Cemex now controls and owns a very significant share of US cement and materials production (see locations link below). Cemex dominates concrete supply along the southern border, so a concrete wall would result in large profits going to a Mexican company. Cemex’s stock prices have actually tracked some of this ‘wall talk’ the past couple of years.
    That may indeed account for the tRump regime’s switch from a (Mexican sourced) concrete wall to a (Chinese sourced) steel fence/wall. It may have taken this long for the realities of who would likely supply all those millions of tons of concrete, a Mexican company, Cemex, to filter through the thick layers of dumbass filling the White House.

    Cemex’ US locations:

  11. RepubAnon says:

    Sounds as though Lindsey’s trying to get ahead of the “how can we negotiate with Trump if he keeps changing his mind” problem. When a Republican screams incoherently, it’s usually a distraction.


    Apparently Putin’s buddy, oligarch Abramovitch, has a significant ownership stake in a steel company…..

  13. Thanks Sandridge and Jill Ann.

    I’m thinking Trump has finally figured out whose gonna get what on that wall.

    And the Mexicans cannot get ready mix to the site

  14. Jane & PKM says:

    Wrote both of our Senators urging them to stand strong against this hostage taking by Dotard45, Old Scratch and the usual suspects. Tired of social progress, fiscal sanity, gun safety and everything else being held hostage to Donnie and their 30% mouth breathing base. Worded it somewhat politer, but not much. Also reminded them there are two words for when Republicans complain about compromise: Merrick Garland. With special attention to Donnie’s current intransigence and that giving into his tantrum would only encourage more of his bratty behavior. We do not negotiate with hostage takers for a reason …

  15. NicaBrian says:

    Lindsey will say whatever is needed to finally achieve what he has so desperately, frantically craved-
    “I feel like I’ve had more access to this president than every president combined.”

    And all this time he thought all he needed to do was do a quarter turn, look over his shoulder and smile coyly.

  16. Susan on the Left Coast says:

    These headlines dropped in a right wing comments section INFURIATED the Trumpsters – the “libtards are full of hate” talking point ensued instantly….even though it’s the right wing talking heads’ statements in the headlines.

    Conservatives are turning on Trump over his ‘dangerous’ national emergency threat: National Constitution Center CEO

    Fox legal analyst explains how declaring a national emergency could result in Trump being held in contempt

    Senior Republican congressman opposes using military funds for border wall

  17. I postulate that one night as Lindsey prepared for an evening’s frolic his boyfriend farted and blew out his Donald Trump butt plug. It smacked Lindsey square on the forehead and knocked him out. When he came around he was convinced that Donald Trump is the Messiah. Been that way ever since.

  18. NicaBrian says:

    I’m all for Trump using National Emergency as an excuse for the wall. He then passes the bills to make the government function, lives get back to the New Normal, and then when everything sorts out sue his ass. We get a semblance of government and he doesn’t get a wall.

  19. Jane & PKM says:

    Susan on the Left Coast, “hate” obviously doesn’t mean what the Trumpanzies think it means. Compassion for immigrants and asylum seekers, not wanting PsOC being murdered by our police, wanting fair/representative/progressive taxation, equal rights for women and minorities, an end to voter suppression, gun safety laws so our children and other innocents are not murdered in schools, concerts, churches, streets, and other places, etc., etc., etc. In their insane world they confuse compassion and sanity with hate.

  20. Jane & PKM says:

    NicaBrian, if Dotard45 declares National Emergency or whatever, where’s the guarantee he opens the government? Am I missing something?

  21. NicsBrian says:

    He’s holding people’s lives hostage to get his campaign promise obsession filled. Every day threats of no tax refunds, TSA, national parks is getting blamed on him. His need to get his way is wearing on him but he can’t bear the thought of losing. His ego won’t allow him anything but a win on the wall, nothing else matters. He declares a National Emergency, thinks he gets a wall, reopens the government and… Oops.

  22. The Republicans controlled both houses of Congress and the White House for two years. If they wanted a wall why didn’t they simply do it?

    The only possible answer is that they don’t actually want it.

  23. Please stop calling Lindsey Graham “honey” and “prom queen”.

    That stuff is homophobic, and every bit as bigoted as anything coming out of the White House. It is deeply offensive, nearly as offensive as the man himself.


  24. Juanita Jean Herownself says:

    Paul, you’re right about the prom queen. I will stop that. I call everyone Honey. Gotta live with that.

  25. Lunargent says:

    Paul ADK –

    Agreed – THANK YOU!

    Much as I appreciate the colorful wordsmithing displayed, the constant allusions to Graham as gay are homophobic AF.

  26. NicaBrian says:

    Paul, so someone who is gay can’t point out the obvious? I would never use the N-Word but my sister in law who is black is under no such restriction.

  27. Lou Kinsey says:

    NicaBrian, absofuckinglutely correct!!!!!
    This lesbian recognizes a damn homophobic closet hugging fag when she sees one- I’m looking at Mr. Graham and waiting for him to get caught with the toe tapping in a public toilet just anyday now. Relieves the stress you know. It really wouldn’t be so hard to get photos of him with his partners, but the real journalists of our day are being led by the nose by a toddler. Honey is very similar to Darling, Sweetie, and countless other words my southern grandparents and my parents used as endearments, but suffice it to say- “Bless your Hearts”-Paul and Lunargent.

  28. Graham is one sneaky sumb*tch. Since McCain died, he has completely gone over to the dark side and lost any shred of common sense he ever had. He is obviously hoping some of the Co-conspirator’s power will be bestowed on him. Refuses to see what’s coming, is in absolute denial of the facts and doesn’t think the Liar-in-Chief will turn on him. Ha!
