Things to Ponder

January 08, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I have been pondering on watching Trump’s address to the nation tonight. I really don’t want to but what if he goes off on one of those tangents and starts talking like a drunk cow from Mars or something? I don’t want to miss that.

Plus, there’s this.  Trump says his predecessors confessed “in secret” to saying they should have built a border wall.

As he makes his case for building a border wall, President Trump says that his predecessors have secretly confided in him that they should have done it themselves.

They all say nope, never said that and mostly never even thought about it.  I suspect Trump will rely on the it-was-a-secret thing to back up his claims. However, none of them voted for him and “Mr. Trump has not interacted with any of his predecessors in any meaningful way since his inauguration.”

They don’t talk to him, so exchanging secrets would be kinda outta character for any of them.

So, all I can figure is that Trumps sees dead people. Which is a real possibility when you try to explains where he hears anything.


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0 Comments to “Things to Ponder”

  1. Trump sees dollar signs, if it get built.

    When the TSA doesn’t show up to work, the pilots will refuse to fly planes, people don’t fly, the airports will close and then its an economic problem that will snow ball. Perhaps instead of pushing politics the Senate will finally get off its @ss and do something.

  2. The only thought Twitler ever has in his orange head is “What’s in it for me?” Anything else is just instinct, usually related to preservation of himself and his pocketbook.

  3. He says his gut tells him more than other people’s brains do. Just reinforces my certainty that he’s pulling most of it out of his ass. The only question is whether it’s a con job or whether he’s actually senile or delusional. In any case, get him the frack out of there!

  4. His Fraudulency is greedy, but like a poor marksman, he keeps missing his target! Without his father’s money to fund his failures, Trump went to the Russians for money to fund his failures.

  5. Jane & PKM says:

    If the media doesn’t air the whole shitshow, it’ll be a painful slow death by snippets. As the msm sanctimoniously declares whatever for not airing it live in its gruesome entirety, they’ll follow by feeding it 30-60 seconds at a time and regurgitating all of it, endlessly. We’ll be watching the boys’ choices until their bedtime, then basketball.

    Should Orange Foolius declare Martial Law tonight, I can wait until morning for the news since that doesn’t work like he thinks it does. Couching his words with ‘national security crisis’ doesn’t change the facts. But whatever he shouts while diving off his cliff of the day, it’s never a learning experience for him. Those silly snacilbupeR still waiting for him to reverse gears are nearly as stuck on st00pid as Donnie. That ain’t happening.

    At what point Old Scratch and the others let go of Donnie’s coattails to save their own assets is yet to be determined. 3 years ago would have been good, but in the next 3 days would be at least acceptable in terms of ridding us of the national security threat in the WH.

  6. Jane & PKM says:

    Micr, ironic you should mention that. It seems Dimwit Mint Jr and Err-oops fell out of that same tree. No sources of American funding for their project line of knock-off hotel projects. And, no foreign funding without laundering.

  7. Just the voices in his head!

  8. The Surly Professor says:

    Of course, the fluffers and lamphreys in the White House have clarified that it was really Trump being a genius, and not a matter of, well, lying about ex-presidents forming a cheering squad for the Wall. From Vox at

    “The White House quickly tried to spin Trump’s comments as really being about border security broadly, and not specifically the border wall.

    “According to the New York Times, the White House “did not say afterward which presidents Mr. Trump was referring to, but a senior administration official said he was probably referring to public comments his predecessors have made about the need for border security, not necessarily for a wall specifically.”

    “But the full context of Trump’s remarks make clear he was talking about a border wall. Here’s a transcript: … “

  9. Coprolite says:

    Trump is talking to dead presidents. I suspect he found Nancy Reagan’s secret closet with her ouija board, Tarot cards, and crystal ball. In another secret closet he found Cheney’s plastic green army soldiers to help with his Middle East war policies.

  10. Folks, here’s the national emergency– frack the wall:

    U.S. carbon dioxide emissions rose an estimated 3.4 percent in 2018, according to new research — a jarring increase that comes as scientists say the world needs to be aggressively cutting its emissions to avoid the most devastating effects of climate change.–and-it-couldnt-happen-at-a-worse-time/2019/01/07/68cff792-12d6-11e9-803c-4ef28312c8b9_story.html

  11. 1) Any predictions pool / drinking game for tonights fiasco?

    2) Reason demented donnie wants a concrete wall is so his mobbed up buddies in New york can “wet their beak” on all that sweet government money.

    3) I am betting that either in the speech or follow up by demented donnies crew of invertabrates that the phrase “Martial Law” will be used. Probably because they don’t understand the implications of martial laww just as they do not understand the implications of a gov. shutdown. But like many things once that bell is rung it cannot be unrung.

    4) wildest prediction is he will cite Israel’s occupation of a “buffer zone” in Lebanon and will threaten, try to implement same with Mexico so he can offer construction workers on wall “safety”.

  12. Skip the drinking games tonight–unless it’s about taking a drink every time he says something demonstrably true. Otherwise, you’ll get alcohol poisoning.

    I simply can’t bring myself to listen to this sorry excuse for a human. I even use the “Mute” button when the news uses snippets of him yakking.

    If the local classical music radio station switches to the speech, I will be firing up my bossa nova CDs.

  13. AliceBeth says:

    There are two options: He is lying and he knows it or he has imaginary conversations with people. Either one is very serious and he needs to be slapped down or treated.

  14. Ya’ll didn’t see the presidents all passing him a note during HWB’s funeral? I guess everyone was focused on W passing Michelle a cough drop.

    The only way I will watch him is if the msm sounds a loud buzzer each time he lies, right in front of him. However, I DO want to see Chuck and Nancy later – those speeches will be doozies.

  15. I once had the misfortune of having a boss much like demented donnie.
    finally after several months ( I was on contract so couldn’t just walk) I realized that he was not a “liar” per se but just delusional.
    If he gave an order this morning that by noon was shown to be stupid he would deny ever giving the order, or that every one mis understood what he meant.
    What made him “effective” on selling his bs was that he actually believed in it. He could not/would not accept that he was in the wrong and as such every one else must be.
    This wasn’t a conscious “lie” but rather a mental disorder. It was this disorder that enabled him to be taken seriously by our superiors (he also was on contract).
    It was shocking when I realized someone this detached from reality could aicheve a position of trust.

  16. easttxdem says:

    It’s probably those midnight ramblings through the White House where he and the portraits of previous presidents whisper sweet nothings in his ear — kinda like Nixon.

  17. @K

    Apparently you have worked in McKinney Texas.
