Here’s My Theory

April 20, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Alfredo over at the Dairy Queen and I have been wondering what this purchase was for from the Republican National Committee.



Building maintenance, my sweet patootie.  They bought that for what’s left of Attorney General Barr’s reputation after the Mueller report was released.

We’d be willing to bet a Blizzard on it.


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0 Comments to “Here’s My Theory”

  1. slipstream says:

    Hey look! The Republican National Committee subscribes to the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal!

    Maybe they’re not happy about being covered in manure (cleaned that one up for Momma) all day long, and they wanna find out what Trump is really up to?

  2. For that much, Barr had to have thrown in his soul, too. A Faustian bargain if ever there was one. Should we look for it on eBay?

  3. Megasoid says:

    Inadequate funds for a job like that.

    That would involve a major renovation, as shown here:

  4. Gail in Richmond says:

    1-800-got junk is a franchise trash removal company

  5. I know someone who has used such outfits before to clean out the basement, the garage, etc. of stuff no one ever uses any more. When it comes to this bunch, I would say there is a way to collect dead souls.

  6. They paid that much for somebody to get rid of their reputations????

  7. thatotherjean says:


    @Diane: It should have cost them waaaay more to get toxic waste like that hauled away.

  8. thatotherjean says:

    Oops. Made a different comment, erased it, and apparently didn’t get it all. Ignore the numbers, please.

  9. RepubAnon says:

    I’m guessing that someone threw something at a TV set…

  10. fierywoman says:

    I used 1-800-GOTJUNK a few years ago. $700 is about the price to haul a whole truck load of stuff.

  11. Lunargent says:

    Slipstream – are you kidding? The WS Journal’s editorial page is rabidly right wing – or at least it was during the Obama years.
    I’m not a regular reader, though I occasionally come across a linked article. But my impression has always been that, though their news articles seem fairly straightforward, they’re essentially a paper put out by rich capitalists for rich capitalists and wannabes. They lurrrve them some tax- cuttin’ Republicans, though Trump’s constant disruptions are bad for the market, and may cause them some justifiable concern.

  12. Lunargent says:

    Hey, look toward the bottom. They paid Parscales $1.7 million for Fundraising Services. Sounds like a pretty hefty cut.

  13. Robert McClellan says:

    Off topic
    Scientists restore activity in dead pig brains.
    You mean there is hope for Trump after all.

  14. Linda Phipps says:

    Funny, my first thought was that there was a pile of shred and 2 or 3 burnt out shredders.

  15. Fred Farklestone says:

    I wish Alfredo over at the Dairy Queen would find out about Louie’s bank service charges and why he spends so much of the taxpayers money eating BBQ, while he’s in DC!

  16. Buttermilk Sky says:

    You mean Low Barr had a reputation last week?

    Happy Easter.

  17. People you have it wrong.
    Barr is probably reveling in his reputation as the thuglicans go to guy to protect criminal thuglican presidents and rationalizing illegal activity by thuglicans.
    He will still be invited to all the parties and have his opinion sought and quted as he particiapates in learned panel discusion of those he kept out of jail on specious, false and manufactored “legal” actions.
    Beside which he can brag about ‘owning” the libs and the stupidity of those who welcomed his nomination as a sign of legitamacy for this criminal administration.
    He, and the thuglicans, are not ashamed of his reputation rather they delight, embrace and celebrate this legal thuglican who has reduced the law to the same level of a street walkers menu of services.
    He has delivered for the the thuglicans. As far as they are concerned that is all that matters.

  18. slipstream says:

    Lunaragent: the Wall Street Journal won a 2019 Pulitzer Prize “For uncovering President Trump’s secret payoffs to two women during his campaign who claimed to have had affairs with him, and the web of supporters who facilitated the transactions, triggering criminal inquiries and calls for impeachment.”

    I don’t care what the editorial page says. I like their news reporting. I would be willing to bet that Trump does not.

  19. easttxdem says:

    Maybe it’s all those copies of the Trump pee-pee tape?
