Help Me Understand This

April 20, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

CNN Breaking News this morning:

A Michigan judge has authorized criminal charges against three people in connection with the Flint water crisis, Genesee County prosecutor David Leyton said Wednesday.

They are Flint utilities administrator Mike Glasgow, and Stephen Busch and Mike Prysby of the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality, Leyton said. Leyton did not say what the charges are.

Hw about maiming and killing people?  How ’bout that charge?

It was the State of Michigan who decided to switch the source of the water.

… in early 2014, with the city under the control of an emergency manager appointed by Gov. Rick Snyder (R), officials switched to Flint River water as part of a money-saving measure. But the state’s environmental quality agency failed to ensure that corrosion-control additives were part of the new water supply.

Rick Snyder?

“Snyder and his administration failed to act even after “suggestions to do so by senior staff members in the Governor’s office.”

More indictments damn well better be on the way.


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