(Heavy Sigh)
I am weary. School and church shootings in Texas are enough for one soul to bear, but when coupled with tone deaf and self serving politicians campaigning on the bodies of dead children, our hearts are shattered.
Within hours of yesterday’s shooting in Santa Fe, three Texas politicians showed up, wearing starched and ironed special para-military shirts straight out of central wardrobe, to bring us up to date on the news.
Once at the bank of the microphones in front of the high school, Governor Abbott gives the latest news and then takes a surprising turn saying that thoughts and prayer are not enough, we have to DO something.
And what action does he suggest to stop this?
I’m going to be working with members of the Texas Legislature, but also with members of our communities from across the state of Texas to begin with roundtable discussions beginning next week where we will assemble all stakeholders to begin to work immediately on swift solutions to prevent tragedies like this from ever happening again,” Abbott said.
Oh, we’re going to have a table and it shall be round. Boy howdy, that’s some tough talk right there. He’s going to invite people and I suspect donuts will be served. And we will never hear from it again, and then they will give the NRA its table back.
Next comes Ted Cruz who says “remember me, y’all?” and then proceeds to give a speech devoid of meaning, compassion, or any plan whatsoever. The man knows there is a target on his electoral butt he’s cowering in the corner just trying to smile nicely and not poop on himself in public.
And last in speaking order and intelligence, comes Lt. Gov Dan Patrick, who has the most power of any elective office in Texas. Dan’s the man with a plan. Without a hint of irony, Dan says the solution is for schools not to have so many doors.
No, seriously, I’m not kidding.
Dan Patrick on Friday suggested the existence of “too many entrances and too many exits” in schools may lead to such shootings. “We have to look at the design of our schools moving forward and retrofitting schools that are already built… there are too many entrances and too many exits to our over 8,000 campuses in Texas. There aren’t enough people to put a guard at every entrance and exit…maybe we need to look at limiting the entrance and exits into our schools so that we can have law enforcement looking at the people coming in through one or two entrances.” He continued, saying, “We’re gonna have to be creative. We’re gonna have to think out of the box.”
No, Dan, get back in the box. It’s odd to find a person in this day and age who has never participated in a fire drill. Or one that doesn’t have even the basic understanding of geometry.
None of them – not even one – mentioned the word guns.
Ted Cruz took $360,727 from the NRA in 2016 and he has an A rating.
Both Abbott and Patrick have the endorsement of the NRA, who gives them both a 100% approval rating.
But, in their defense, they had real nice freshly ironed hunting shirts with their names embroidered on them. You know, in case they forgot.
It was the most bizarre and disgusting Larry, Curley, and Moe episode ever.