Heads Up

June 05, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, here’s the deal.  I kinda noticed that y’all were ignoring me when you’re posting from the Tell Juanita page.  People who use my regular email address were still talking to me, but the Tell Juanita people weren’t.

Well, come to find out, when Anna The Geek updated the site, the Tell Juanita stuff started going to spam.  Here’s how I deal with spam: I wait a week or so to check it.  By then it has about 1,500 emails in it and that’s way too many to deal with so I just delete them all and start over again.

We are working on fixing it.  Until then, I will check daily.  I promise.  So, later today I am going to read the ones Anna could retrieve.  Go ahead and keep using the Tell Juanita page and we’ll figure it out before long.

On the upside, we stayed dry at the beauty salon by the known scientific measurement of just barely and the fact that the rain the past three days has gone south or north of us.

The river has crested and now the part about helping your neighbor comes into play.

And our Republican County Judge, Bob Hebert, continues to lie just to stay in practice.  He told the newspaper that he came home because “the situation had changed” in the flooding.  No, we knew on Friday that it was going to break all records and Bob left on his cruise on Sunday.  Nothing changed.  Water goes downhill on Monday same as it does on Friday.  That did not change.

Screen Shot 2016-06-01 at 10.58.30 AMHe says the #1 reason he didn’t cancel the trip is that it cost him $20,000 and he paid it all months ago. Now he’s saying he took his adult kids on the cruise with him.  Best we can figure, there’s 3 of them plus spouses on this trip.   Okay, here’s the deal.  I went on a Carnival cruise in May on the same damn trip Bob was on.  I stayed in the fanciest room on the boat, did fancy shore excursions, and paid extra for lobster for dinner.  With tax, title, license, and tips, it came to less than $1,500 a person – on the same damn ship Bob Hebert was on.  That was top of the line.  You can’t spend more than that.  Unless … you drink and gamble a lot.  So, 6 people at $1,500 equals … carry the five …. hum … and the answer is – why would he lie about this when there’s people who have math skills and have been on that same ship out of Galveston?  Like I said, he lies just to stay in practice.

He also said he had “no fun” on this trip because he was always on the phone or reading email.  Yeah, that’s what those pictures look like, Bob.


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0 Comments to “Heads Up”

  1. Marge Wood says:

    We haven’t ever been on a cruise because we both would likely be sitting there reading and we can do that for nothing at home and eat out once in awhile. Poor guy. He’s as addicted to email as the rest of us. But not fun? What does he call fun?

  2. Hey Bobby Hebert, “…pants on fire.”

  3. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Politicians of the snacilbupeR stripe do seem to do a lot of posing with fish.

    Like this guy: http://cdn.thedailybeast.com/content/dailybeast/cheats/2013/07/01/paul-ryan-kisses-a-fish/jcr:content/image.crop.800.500.jpg/45755897.cached.jpg

    Think I’ll take a stroll to the stream with KJ to feed the fish. Today for some reason I feel a large degree of compassion toward fish.

  4. lasrgrl says:

    And who doesn’t buy trip insurance on a $20K trip?

  5. Chloe Bear says:

    I guarantee he will write part of the trip off as a business expense because he was “working”.

  6. Hebert is one of many who prepared the way for listening to Prima Donny.

  7. I think he needs to take this up with God. That was pretty inconvenient of Him to send all that flood water and spoil Herbert’s super-deluxe vacay.

  8. I admit I did go on a cruise… in February. My husband wanted to see a solar eclipse at least once in his life, and this one was going to be off Aruba. I asked him what happens if it’s cloudy that day. He said, “Then you’re in Aruba in February.” Some of the pro astronomers on the trip said that this was a big advantage over most eclipses in Mongolia or Patagonia, because you could say, “Wow, great eclipse… Could I have another mai tai here in the hot tub?”

    But I wasn’t a scumbag county official spending money like water while my county was going underwater and moaning that he didn’t have no fun. And I bet he figures out some way to bill it to the county too. snacilbupeR hate paying taxes, but they love sucking them down.

  9. And glad the salon and y’all stayed dry. Lots of floods this week, including France, Germany, Belgium, Romania, and a few other places I forget. I hope everybody gets the help they need.

  10. In the long tradition of Republican responses to a major disaster, Bob Hebert made certain he operated from a secure location with full communication capabilities both to and from his “command center” aboard ship. He was ready no matter how high the water might rise.

    Just like our good friend FEMA Direction Michael Brown who stationed himself upriver in Baton Rouge during the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, you can’t be expected to carry out emergency duties from a location without full communication capabilities, fine dining, and leisure activities after you punch out at 3 PM.

    To paraphrase the words of President George W. Bush:
    “Bobby, you’re doing a heck of a job!”

  11. Lunargent says:

    The $20K was probably the Special Rate for dumbass politicos and such, who have way more money than brains. Granted, not always their own money.

  12. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    “Heads Up”

    Borrowing that Ms JJ to title my ‘montage’ folder. My day to borrow. So enjoyed that montage of audio clips Sec/Sen Clinton put together for Donnie Drumpf, that certain snacilbupeR like Lyin’ Ryan deserve a montage of their own for every st00pid thing they have already said and say between now and November stored on my PC for those moments I need to remind them of what they’ve said or done. The google is great, but nothing like a “ready file” to inundate those poor souls on my snacilbupeR e-mail list. Not that all Democratic politicians think I’m much fun. (But despite what anyone might tell you, I am NOT responsible for Senators Barbara Boxer and Harry Reid retiring this year.)

    Anyway, I’m re-energized, and ready for the fray from July – November. Good plan, Hilz, let’s bury them in their own words, then vote them into oblivion.

  13. Bobby is just another Rethug who should not be out without a keeper and a helluva lot of meds! What a joke!

    Definitely glad that the WMDBS survived the inundation! Incidentally, there are a lot of “A-bears” in Louisiana. Could this one in TX possibly be related to anyone in the Pelican State? I would check on this myself but I am kinda sorta not going there again.

  14. Corinne Sabo says:

    Gee, he didn’t enjoy his trip……

  15. Corinne, that just means he needs to go on another trip as soon as possible. (I could suggest some destinations.)

  16. Sounds as though you guys are paying this guy too much. Or does he have a side job, like stealing candy from babies and selling puppy pelts?

  17. TrulyTexan says:

    Dig deeper. I’m sure the taxpayers are footing the bill. That’s what happened with my former commissioner.

  18. the GOP has evolved into the “Political Party For Scumbags”. they get to hang around with their fellow scumbags, learn new tricks of the scumbag trade, network with scumbags from other states, etc.

    geez, I’d have thought you guys would know this by now. 🙂

  19. Marcia in CO says:

    My take on Bobby is … he’s having lots of fun, the fish is not.

  20. Indiana Pearl says:

    The problem with cruises is that you might get stuck on a boat with a bunch of Republicans.

  21. PKM, where could I find this wonderful piece of political performance art?

    “montage of audio clips Sec/Sen Clinton put together for Donnie Drumpf”


  22. George in Lee County says:

    Polite Kool Marxist—please put me on your distribution list, so I can forward whatever you have to Republicans I know in Central Texas who need reminding…..georgewiley@msn.com

  23. Never mind PKM. I found it. Thanks anyway.

    (Anyone watching the Softball World Series? Those college women are great athletes and role models to be proud of.)

  24. I posted one on the tell Juanita. No biggee though. Maybe he deserves the benefit of the doubt. Don’t GOPers notoriously suck at math? Maybe his travel agent embezzled the rest. It’s possible right?

  25. Once again a politician proves he could not care less for his job, and they all have voted themselves a wage that is WAY TOO HIGH for their job!
    A political hack lied!! WOW! Am I surprised!

  26. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    George in Lee County, here’s a little something to send to the Texas lege wingnuts. I cross-posted it on the Target/Reminder thread. With the cast of the Broadway show, “Kinky Boots,” Cindi Lauper and Harvey Fierstein perform “Just Pee.”


    To everyone in the LGBTQA community, you have my promise to do my best to explode wingnut heads and whatever it takes to wrap our country in the 14th Amendment.

  27. WA Skeptic says:

    Glad to hear you dodged a bullet there at the WMDBS; I was kind of worried you might be showing up on the evening news.

  28. Zyxomma says:

    I’m so glad you’re safe and dry!

  29. PKM, great video! Thanks for the link!

  30. Lunargent says:

    Looks like he had hella more fun than the fish did.

  31. two crows says:

    Our turn.
    I live in St. Petersburg where Tropical Storm Colin hit today. It started about midnight last night and it’s storming out there now [12:31 AM.] We’re supposed to get residuals tomorrow. And we’re in for a WEEK’S WORTH of thunderstorms after that. At least that’s what the weather folks are predicting at the moment. They won’t commit themselves more than a week in advance.

    As soon as the rain stops, I’m heading down to Gulfport, where they flood after a sprinkle, to see what I can do to help.

    That’s assuming, of course, that the mainlanders don’t finally get their wish. This just might be the time Florida disengages and floats out to sea. If it does and if it floats past your state, look hard. You’ll see me perched on my roof and waving as I sail by.
