He Said Constitutional Scholar, Not Mathematical Genius.

June 15, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

So Tom DeLay went on the electric radio and lectured us poor ignorant peons.

We don’t understand the constitution or the Supreme Court.  He says that the Supreme Court doesn’t have “people to enforce their rulings.”

DeLay claimed, “right now, the American people don’t understand that the Supreme Court, when it makes a ruling, it’s just an opinion if no one enforces that ruling.”

Gosh, I wouldn’t say that to Governor Faubus on the Little Rock schoolhouse steps or George Wallace at the University of Alabama.

Then, to get prissy about his book learning, DeLay says…

DeLay argued that “it’s not in their authority to write law by ten unelected, unaccountable people, lawyers, and if – this is a red line that we’re drawing. If they rule against marriage, we will all defy them.”

Good luck with that, idiot boy.  They are not writing law, they are interpreting the 14th Amendment to the Constitution.  All freekin’ ten of them.

Now, when the Republican judges dismissed your case, THAT was writing law.  No whining then, right?

The guy is a complete idiot.

Thanks to Mike for the heads up.

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