October 09, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, so out of the clear blue, Nikki Haley resigns her position as UN Ambassador.

Everybody was pretty surprised.  Except Trump.  He remarked that she let him know of her intentions six months ago.

Now see, nobody believes that, but Trump was low on his lie quotient for the day so he thought he’d start off with a boost.

The pundits suggest that Haley is going to seek higher office – maybe even run for president herself.  Is that what we need?   A woman who sat there sweetly while Trump made totally insane speeches to the UN?

The short answer is no.  The long answer is oh hell no.


Interestingly, it now comes to light that Nikki Haley resigned one day after CREW requested a State Department investigation into Haley and her husband using private jets for seven different flights.

“By accepting gifts of luxury private flights, Ambassador Haley seems to be falling in line with other Trump administration officials who are reaping personal benefits from their public positions,” CREW Executive Director Noah Bookbinder said in a Monday statement.

Lay down with dogs, get up with fleas.


It appears that Haley is likely up to a million dollars in debt, and her parents are, too.  I didn’t know that she had financial issues in her past, but apparently it’s been a bit of a constant state with her.  In her resignation, she says she’s going into the business world. With her past record, I don’t think that’s a good idea.

I’mm pretty sure there’s more coming.


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0 Comments to “He Lives to Lie UPDATED / UPDATED THE UPDATE”

  1. Linda Phipps says:

    OK. Sessions will be out. Graham moves to his job. Haley is named to take his job (don’t suggest Trump can’t do that because even if he “can’t” he would anyhow). Then, her replacement. All my other emails are saying, “please no, not Kanye” but Trump isn’t famous for vetting his appointments. There’s always Jared who might welcome moving back to NYC, plus he and Ivanka are not all that popular in DC. I think Hannity makes too much money at Fox to want to change jobs.

  2. Jane & PKM says:

    As the current almost acceptable token woman of the snacilbupeR Party, Nikki Haley has further political ambitions. Thus far she claims she will endorse Dotard45 in 2020, but circumstances change. As Dense’s pet, she probably wouldn’t be adverse to a VP spot. Is there a coup of two there? One thing for sure, Haley is a self-serving pragmatist. Perhaps this impending resignation is merely her self-preservation instinct kicking in indicating she doesn’t want to be on or under the bus when NoKo, Iran, Russia or a myriad of other Donnie disasters is bound to explode.

    Linda Phipps, a possible Senator Nikki Haley (R-SC). She is pals with SC Gub Henry McMaster who in turn is a Dotard45 sycophant. Your guesses are very plausible, albeit sickening. In his current state, Lindsey could be an even more gruesome AG than Sessions.

    Dog help us 2018! 28 days and counting…

  3. For now I have given up on trying to figure out this diseased party called “republican”. Whatever they do is beyond normal politics. I have decided to stop letting this madness take over my head. I fear we are becoming immuned to this sickness in America. By the way I cannot get that great song out of my head from previous post!

  4. April 24, 2017 Trump said:

    “Does everybody like Nikki?” Trump asked the assembled ambassadors as Haley sat by his side. Amid laughter Trump added: “Otherwise, she can easily be replaced.”

    In April 2018 Trump blamed Haley for his own policy blunder at the UN:
    “She got ahead of the curve. She’s done a great job, she’s a very effective ambassador. There might have been some momentary confusion about that,” he told reporters.

    Too bad she didn’t do something about this abuse when it happened, called out her abuser right there, on the spot.

  5. And in the meantime we have no UN Ambassador. No worries, I’ve lost track of the rather important countries to which we have no ambassadors, mostly because Trump hasn’t bothered to name one in any hurry.

  6. Susan on the Left Coast says:

    The resist rogues behind the curtain at the White House state that Ivanka and/or Jarad but Ivanka more than he is being groomed for the shiny new UN Ambassador. Mizz Ivanka has started following a lot of Defense Department accounts yesterday. Just what we need, a master race fembot trained to coo and purr like 1950’s porn stars as UN Ambassador.

    The nepotism laws would block her from this job, no? Or…will she repeat the “no salary” schtick in order to be able shame our nation even more so in the UN?

    FYI: Haley’s letter of resignation was dated Oct 3, 2018
    Haley has consistently been the ONLY member of this administration to hold Russia accountable.

  7. Linda Phipps says:

    Rhea, Haley will stay on the job until January. When you assess other Trump assignments, a lot of his appointees are never on the job anyhow except when they go into destructo-mode.

  8. The Golden Gibbon insists that he knew for 6 months that Haley was quitting, that it had even been part of the deal when he sent up to New York, that she would only be a temp. Y.E.A.H. S.U.R.E. H.E. D.I.D. I think the flop he made of himself recently at the UN may have hit her harder than it could ever hit him. She decided that she had other great things to do in her life than to put up with that caca.

  9. It is reported this rat deserting a sinking ship occured within days of a FOIA request on her “travel” ( sound famailar) arrangements with a big backer giving her, and her husband, use of his private ( corporate) jet.
    She was slimey as govornor and she has been slimey as UN rep. no reason to think she might change.

  10. oops sorry I did not read the update where you covered what I said before I said it.
    Mea Culpa

  11. slipstream says:

    Hey, while we’re talking about corporate jets, don’t forget this cute little tax break for the rich:

    “In effect, regular commercial fliers are subsidizing private jets to the tune of more than $1 billion a year. Consider the costs of a flight from New York to Los Angeles. A CEO in a private jet will pay a paltry $525 in fuel taxes, according to a review by Bloomberg, while commercial passengers traveling the same route would be on the hook for $3,900. That’s because the private jet is only charged the fuel tax, while the commercial flier has to pay the fuel tax, passenger fee, excise tax, and other taxes and fees. By the time both land, the private jet owner will owe 87% less in taxes for the same cross-country flight.”


    Because CEOs need another $1 billion a year in subsidies from folks like me who fly commercial coach . . .

  12. Linda Phipps says:

    Interesting about the debt. Did trump give her his shortcut to the Russian bankers to help her out? They sure have a lot more in common than we knew about before.

  13. Buttermilk Sky says:

    Despite that “laughing with me” BS, Metamucilini knows damn well they were laughing at him. Since he can’t abolish the UN, look for him to appoint the worst, most insulting droog he can find. Possibilities: Stephen Miller, Kanye, his tax-dodging sister, Sarah Palin, Bristol Palin, Jeanine Pirro, Dinesh D’Souza, Roseanne Barr.

  14. Buttermilk Sky says:

    How could I forget international affairs expert Dennis Rodman?

  15. slipstream says:

    How about Ted Nugent?

  16. slipstream: The Huffington Post article from November 2017 that you link to is a good, straightforward article about this particular item in the tax bill. The paragraph you quote is from an NBC News opinion column ( https://www.nbcnews.com/think/opinion/private-plane-tax-loophole-so-egregious-even-millionaires-me-want-ncna838001 ) that is a mish-mash of apples and oranges.

    “… A CEO in a private jet will pay a paltry $525 in fuel taxes, according to a review by Bloomberg, while commercial passengers traveling the same route would be on the hook for $3,900 … By the time both land, the private jet owner will owe 87% less in taxes for the same cross-country flight.”

    The first sentence seems to imply that *individual* commercial passengers are on the hook for $3,900. I don’t fly, but a quick Google of the cost of NYC-LA flights brought up “cheap ticket prices” of around $200. I assume the $3,900 is spread over all the passengers.

    The last sentence is hokey because they are *not* the same cross-country flight. One is flown in, I presume, a smaller jet of smaller capacity and with correspondingly less fuel requirements. The other is a large airliner carrying 200-300 people, tons of luggage, and a correspondingly larger fuel load. I’m not surprised that the taxes collected on the small private jet are much less than the taxes collected on the commercial airliner, even though they fly the same route.

    An issue of more concern appears in The Huffington Post article:


  17. Oops!!!

    An issue of more concern appears in The Huffington Post article:

    ~~ “They’re settling a long-term dispute between companies and the IRS at literally the same time they changed the bill to make every single tax cut for individuals and families expire after 2025, which creates enormous uncertainty for every household in the United States,” Hanlon said. ~~

  18. Methinks that Ms. Haley smells shitgibbon blood in the waters and is preparing for a future without Trump.
