The Trump Takeover is Complete

October 09, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

When the biggest thing in the news is the Taylor Swift / Kayne West spat over Trump, Trump wins.

Say what you will about Barack Obama, even if he wasn’t born here, he never encouraged celebrity trash spats.

Remember when there were political spats between William F Buckley and Gore Vidal?  Those were the days.


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0 Comments to “The Trump Takeover is Complete”

  1. Sam in St Pauls says:

    Not much choice between Kanye and Taylor Swift: One is quirky and one is bat$hit crazy.

  2. True story. My SIL is a crazy Taylor Swift fan (in his own quiet, nerdy way). From toddler-hood my granddaughter would sing and dance along to TS songs played on her dad’s laptop. Last year (age 5) she was already reading and knew the difference between fiction and non-fiction, real people and pretend characters. Once when she was looking pensive we asked what she was thinking. “I need to ask Daddy if Taylor Swift is real.”

  3. Taylor? Kayne?
    Kayne? Taylor?

    I remember the good old days when we had a real choice:
    Beatles or Stones?
    John or Paul?

    And the President was keeping Russia out of our business, not inviting them in to control it.

  4. Swift’s post yesterday apparently convinced thousands of people to register to vote. That’s just peachy with me.

  5. @MSB


    Whatever works. Vote.

  6. Love all those people who registered to vote. Now if only they will actually get to the polls on election day. As for missing somebody, there have been times when I have actually missed Trent Lott. He lived to write a book about herding cats. Well, that’s the Senate for you!

  7. This is the reason for kavanaugh.
    pardons for everyone and now they will be able to ignore any state charges, prosecutions etc since his pardon power would reach into the states.
    Gamble v. United States

  8. “In the state of Tennessee, 2,811 registrations from September increased to 3,582 in October so far, and 2,144 of those were in the last 36 hours,” according to

    “Voting registrations nationwide and in Tennessee have significantly increased just a day after Taylor Swift posted a rare political Instagram post. According to on Monday, nationwide, there have been 51,308 new registrations in the past 24 hours.”

    Go Taylor go!!!!

  9. Old Quaker says:

    Bill Buckley v Gore Vidal; now that was nasty! Buckley said very unkind things about Vidal’s sexual preferences. The politics was trivial by comparison. :o(

  10. Not to minimize any influence she might have on young women but maybe…just maybe…the Kavanaugh fiasco could have prompted a couple of those registrations. Ya think?

  11. That Other Jean says:

    Oh, my, yes. I remember when William F. Buckley, Jr. and Gore Vidal called each other nasty names over political topics. I never thought I’d miss them, but it would be so wonderful to listen to a political spat between people with triple-digit IQs. It has been a long, long time.

  12. Anything above the level of “NO PUPPET! YOU’RE THE PUPPET!” would be an improvement. Anything that causes people to register to vote, especially young people inspired by someone promoting Democrats, would be a bigger improvement, but they need to follow through and actually VOTE.

    Other than that, I don’t give a flying monkey’s.

  13. Aggieland Liz says:

    @Other Jean, there are still disagreements between people with triple digit IQs, you just can’t hear them over the howling mob, sigh.

  14. Today we got two examples of how good people get subverted by protecting an already perverted institition.
    Both alas came from RBG.

    1) She showed up at gangbang brett’s ceremonial wearing in at demented donnies stolen residence.
    In doing so she legitimized a corrupt political supreme court appointment and the perverted method used to railroad him in.
    I am confident that she only did it out of respect for the history and tradition of the SCOTUS just as the weimar judges stayed on under drumpf’s hero. Remember spencer Tracy line from judgement at Nuremburg when he told burt lancaster, who was trying to excuse his participaition in the perversion of justice, it got that bad the first time he knew an innocent was sent to the camps.
    2) She slammed here foot down on the political scales in allowing voter suppression to defeat Heidi Heidcamp by staying district court ruling that would not allow the suppression against tribal voters until her partisan corrupt collegues can use their nw found majority to help the thuglicans in this race.
    Oh RBG I am so disappointed that you place institionalism above justice.

  15. Update poliical hacks on scotus deny voting rights to D voters who are not caucasian.
    She mde a futile dissent but like flakes crocadile tears as he voted for kavanaugh it means nothing and she enabled this travesty of justice by not dciding but rather sending issue to her kangaroo court.
    hope she will be proud when thuglicans replace her with cotton from arkansas, because after all “she protected the institition”.
    Justice is sacrificed upon the alter of protecting the scotus.

  16. hate to repeat post but RBG just stayed the order that Commerce and Census heads had to show up for depositions on case about thecitizenship question being pushed by thuglicans.
    I guess she just felt ross and thuglicans needed enough time for the whack jobs she shares a bench with to protect another part of demented donnies agenda of destroying the country.
    What happened to you RBG?
