Guess What Rand Paul was Doing Yesterday Morning…

March 23, 2020 By: El Jefe Category: Coronavirus

By now you’ve heard that Rand Paul has tested positive for the Coronavirus and is quarantined.  He says that he suspected he might be infected because of all of his exposure in recent days from those who are also testing positive.  Even though he suspected he had it, he did not self-quarantine, and was indeed continuing close proximity meetings with other senators.  He also went swimming yesterday morning in the Senate pool at their gym (which, BTW, had been closed).  That’s right, DR. Rand Paul has exposed God knows how many people AFTER he thought he was exposed, and AFTER he was tested.  Senators Mitt Romney and Mike Lee have both now self-quarantined due to their prolonged and close exposure to Paul.  What an asshole.


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0 Comments to “Guess What Rand Paul was Doing Yesterday Morning…”

  1. BarbinDC says:

    I’m really not an awful person; however, the fact that it is the Rethugs who were exposed at CPAC (and elsewhere) means that there are not now 50 votes for Moscow Mitch to ram some crappy plan through the Senate.

    I’m just counting my blessings here.

  2. thatotherjean says:

    Rand Paul is a Libertarian, every-man-for-himself sort, isn’t he? I wonder how many of his colleagues who might have been sympathetic to that outlook are re-thinking their life’s philosophies, now that they know that Rand didn’t let the fact that he was waiting for test results to come back stop him from being out and about with them? Tough luck, folks.

  3. Jane & PKM says:

    BarbinDC when opportunity knocks, behind every cloud, oh I don’t know, but am certain there’s some pithy saying that covers what we’re thinking. Or, when all else fails, there is Lady Karma.

    Is it wrong of me to hope Moscow Mitch is sweating bullets for some other reason than Speaker Pelosi “holding on line one”?

  4. Jane & PKM says:

    “Rand Paul in the gym with Covid-19 has to be the worst round of Clue ever.”

  5. Jane & PKM says:

    Twitter is killing Runt Paul.


  6. I have read in several places that water kills the virus. My go to weather forecaster in Houston, Space City weather, did a piece on the Trump endorsed theory that the virus would diminish when the weather warmed up. Their research indicated it wasn’t the heat, it was the humidity. The virus absorbs moisture and falls out of the air.

    Rand Paul is still chicken chit for exposing his fellow senators and all the others working there. He had to change clothes and dry off etc.

  7. Well, Crone, it looks like there’s a good reason for living in a humid climate, after all.

  8. Public Service Announcement: King Of Pain – The Police

    “Daaa, I, I, I did bad!”

    Should I exercise during the coronavirus pandemic?

    Edit: How much exercise may be just right? Here are some guidelines based on just the right amount – for most people.

    A large study showed that mild to moderate exercise – performed about three times a week – reduced the risk of dying during the Hong Kong flu outbreak in 1998. The Hong Kong study was performed on 24,656 Chinese adults who died during this outbreak. This study showed that people who did no exercise at all or too much exercise – over five days of exercise per week – were at greatest risk of dying compared with people who exercised moderately.

    * Look for the ‘just right’ amount

    Both too much and too little are bad while somewhere in the middle is just right. Scientists commonly refer to this statistical phenomenon as a “J-shaped” curve. Research has shown exercise can influence the body’s immune system. Exercise immunity refers to both the systemic (whole body cellular response) and mucosal (mucous lining of the respiratory tract) response to an infectious agent, which follows this J-shaped curve.

    * Do perform mild to moderate exercise (20-45 minutes), up to three times per week.
    * Strive to maintain (not gain) strength or fitness during the quarantine
    * Do avoid physical contact during exercise, such as playing team sports, that is likely to expose you to mucosal fluids or hand-to-face contact.
    * Wash and disinfect equipment after use.
    * If you use a gym, find one that is adequately ventilated and exercise away from others to avoid droplets.
    * Remain engaged with teammates through social media, rather than social gatherings or contact.
    * Eat and sleep well to boost your immune system.
    * Remain optimistic that this too shall pass.

    How much exercise may be too risky?
    Here are some things not to do:

    * Do not exercise past exhaustion, which increases the risk of infection. An example would include marathon running, which increases the risk of illness from 2.2% to 13% after the race.

    * Do not exercise if you have any flu-like symptoms.
    * Do not exercise more than five days a week.
    * Do not exercise in crowded, enclosed spaces.
    * Do not share drinks or eating utensils.

    * Do not overdrink fluids, especially when sick, to try and “flush out” the toxins or prevent dehydration. It is not true that you can “flush out” toxins.
    Full Article:

  9. OldMayfly says:

    When actress Betty White was asked how she kept in shape she responded, “I live in a two-story house and I am absent-minded.

    When actress Betty White was asked how she kept in shape she responded, “I live in a two-story house and I am absent minded.”

  10. OldMayfly @ 10 I live in a second floor apt. and I AM absent minded. However I went from 174 lb to 164 lbs by among other things, giving up red meat, bicycling, and doing that stuff up there.

  11. There is a more weird contagion in operation here.

    What the hell happens to Medical Doctors supposedly in good standing when they come in contact with the Republican Party? Rand Paul. Bill Frist. Ben Carson. The list goes on quite a way and the anti-choice crowd is full of them at every level.

    But the contact results in them completely forgetting any medical training they ever had.

  12. Jane & PKM says:

    Alan @12, true dat. Add lawyers to the Republicon selective memory disease list, ’cause they sure do seem to ‘forget’ any classes that offered constitutional law. Air quoted the ‘forget’ because with those Federalist Society guys and gals, it sure does seem a deliberate oversight to shove their religious beliefs over the separation of church and state hurdle.

  13. Grandma Ada says:

    All of the Congress should be tested. Even if they aren’t showing symptoms they can be carriers.

  14. Jane & PKM says:

    Grandma Ada, maybe check the Democratic members of Congress. Republicons have been death vectors since before Nixon.

  15. SteveTheReturned says:

    How completely and utterly typical.

    Effing Libertarian. Your black angel and namesake, Ayn Rand, must be so proud of you, Senator.

  16. The gym was closed? They need a new lock on the door…..
