Greg, Get Under The Bus!

April 23, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized



I wanna tell you something.  Texas has been spared the worst of it because the big city mayors and county judges – almost all totally Democratic – shut this place down.  But, it’s not over yet. Science people say that we won’t peek for another week and that’s why they are insisting everybody wear a facemark.

So, our local yokel sheriff, a graduate of Jerry Falwell’s university, is running for congress so he has political statements about everything.  Did you know it’s un-American to wear a facemask because Typhoid Mary has a constitutional right to spit on you and only communists protect their children and their grandmother from damned fools who refuse to wear a mask.

Here he goes ….



Yeah, head first into an empty swimming pool.

We tried to explain to him that you wear a facemask to protect other people, but he insists that we wear it just to piss him off.


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