You Know It

April 23, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

You can bet your best pair of pink boots that this weekend somebody is going to try to drink Lysol, somebody else will try to swallow an ultra violet light or shove it up their butt, and another will try to inject Mr. Clean Lemon Scent into their veins.

Thank you, Donald Trump.


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0 Comments to “You Know It”

  1. Linda Phipps says:

    Tide pods work too. I hope Trump’s squirrels give it a shot.

  2. Jane & PKM says:

    Dammit, if all those bars hadn’t closed we’d already be rid of COVID-19. Starting tomorrow those sovereign citizen good old boys will save the world by basking under black lights and flashing neon Bud Light signs at their local watering holes.

    Makes somewhat more sense that Covidiot* 45’s latest dive into killer medicine. Maybe we can convince the ***king moron* that chasing that tumbler of bleach with a few shots of ammonia will speed up the reaction for him*.

  3. Don’t forget a 70+% ethyl alcohol chaser after every beer.
    Still waiting to hear from Sebastian Gorka On whether Trump’s manly men are a go to substitute isopropyl:

  4. New York’s Cuomo to McConnell on state bankruptcy: “Watch the market tank.”

    Watch the video
    Edit: WASHINGTON (Reuters) – New York Governor Andrew Cuomo on Thursday derided Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell’s suggestion that states whose finances are depleted by the coronavirus epidemic could declare bankruptcy as a “really dumb” idea and warned that financial markets would tank if that were allowed to happen.

    State and local governments fund police and fire departments, teachers, schools and other services. Allowing states to declare bankruptcy will hurt, not help, the economic recovery, Cuomo said.

    “You wanna see that market fall through the cellar?” Cuomo asked. “Let New York State declare bankruptcy, let Michigan declare bankruptcy, let Illinois declare bankruptcy, let California declare bankruptcy? You will see a collapse of this national economy.

    “So just don’t,” said the governor of the fourth-most-populous U.S. state.

    Cuomo accused McConnell of “vicious” partisanship for the suggestion, since the states hardest hit by coronavirus lean Democratic. “You want to politically divide this nation now, with all that’s going on?” he asked.

    Earlier on Thursday, Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer said she was disappointed to see McConnell’s comments on state bankruptcy and found them “incredibly irresponsible.”

    Watch the video

  5. Mah Fellow Murkuhn says:

    Trump came up with a good way to clean the gene pool. Where is the 25th Amendment when you need it?

  6. Don’t know much biology…

  7. I’ve been a non-believer since I was twelve years old—–but the only thing that came into my head when I was listening to this insanity yesterday was, Jesus wept . . . . .

  8. When will Dr. Fauci and Dr. Binx actually show some spine and contradict him with the truth, the moment he makes one of his asinine statements, instead of merely face palming behind his back or looking on in horror?

  9. Harry Eagar says:

    I have seen a naked woman swallow an ultraviolet light. It was at a show that my son and his wife took my wife to for her 53rd birthday.

    In Manhattan. Sadly, the virus has put the naked lady UV light swallowers out of business.

  10. Grandma Ada says:

    We’ve had 50,000 Americans die from this virus. The stock markets have tanked. People.cant pay their bills. All his majesty had to offer is Lysol and blacklights. When this is over, if we all make it until January, AGs all over the US need to have criminal prosecutions ready to go.

  11. Malarkey says:

    I’m originally from Pennsyltucky. I belong to a group in the Book of Faces for my home county, The Skook. Most are rabid 45 supporters.

    Their spin is that no one is going to drink Lysol or stick a UV light down their throat because 45 was only asking his doctors to look into it.

    The stupid burns.

  12. Old Fart says:

    @Linda Phipps, #1: Don’t give the children bad ideas now…

  13. Steve from Beaverton says:

    I shouldn’t say this but if any in his cult will take the Trump challenge and test his stupid ideas, I wouldn’t be overly sorry. Start with the mayor of Las Vegas.
    I can just imagine reasonable people throughout the world hearing the President of the United States babble on national news and think how low US leadership has fallen. And to think polls still show he has a 43% approval rating????

  14. We should begin calling Trump Dr. Lysol. Or perhaps Dr. Death.

  15. charles phillips says:

    I hope somebody videos their trial ala Lysol or Clorox and posts it on YouTube.

    Sort of like those people who were freely licking toilet seats on airplanes. They died, didn’t they?

  16. Jane & PKM says:

    Warning labels on the products? Fuggedaboutit. The networks should be required to air a chyron every time Covidiot* 45 ‘speaks’: “Covididiot* 45 can be more lethal to your health than COVID-19.

    Remember. For the covidiots the message has to be short and blunt. Bumper sticker logic that sticks to their impaired memory cells.

  17. I was just mopping the floor using a disinfectant and my old yella dog jumped up and ran from the room. Now she does just have the two obedience diplomas from Petsmart and not a degree from Wharton but if she knows that getting pinesol, etc on you is not a good idea, what does that say about the Orange Menace?

  18. its now moscow mitch’s fault!!!!!

  19. Coprolite says:

    I’m glad no one in his Administration suggested microwave ovens might kill the virus.

  20. Quaker Granny says:

    Trump is now claiming that his suggestion about disinfectant as a treatment for covid-19 was “sarcasm”. So… tens of thousands of Americans dead, with the count nowhere near an end, and the President of the United States chooses to be SARCASTIC? This may be even more callously ignorant, if possible, than what he said in the first place.

  21. Jane & PKM says:

    Joyce @17 when your wonderful dog has her next meal then asks to go outside, she’ll be leaving her “mission accomplished” statement on the ground. That pile will be a considerably more intelligent pile than the pile aka Covidiot* 45 the *king moron* that is currently piled up in the Oval Office.

  22. I think the new phrase should be “Drink the Lysol” instead of “Drink the Kool-Aid.”

  23. Jane & PKM @21. For the past three years we have used “ trump sacs” to pick up the pups’ trumps when we are away from the ranch.

  24. #19 I’m glad no one in his Administration suggested microwave ovens might kill the virus.

    1. 5G networks may be getting close to microwave freq.

    2. First you deregulate safety stickers…then you encourage consumption.

    3. UV freq. light means we can go to the “real” ozon destroying freon again also?

  25. Obviously another lie.
    Really who doesn’t think that the residents of NY have been consuming (injecting) a disproportionate amount of alcohol since Nov. 2016 ( I know I have -almost every time I read the news) and yet they still had the virus rampage through their community.

  26. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Now Dr Birx is covering for the great orange moron. In my book, she now has no credibility. She had a chance to say he needs to stop blurting out what comes into his (crazy) mind because he has cult followers that think he’s a prophet.
