Greg Abbott is Offended … And Goofy

January 19, 2021 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, here’s the deal.  Texas Governor Greg Abbott is all offended-up over the FBI doing background checks on people who will be carrying heavy weaponry close to the US Capitol where former and newly elected presidents will be present.

“No one should ever question the loyalty or professionalism of the Texas National Guard,” Abbott wrote in a tweet Monday night.

He calls it “offensive.” Wait a minute, wait a minute, isn’t this the F Your Feelings crowd?

You might want to shake your boots loose because the puddle of hypocrisy and humor is getting neck deep around here.

This is the same damn Greg Abbott who sent to Texas State Guard to watch over the entire United States of America Military Joint Forces doing training exercises in Texas because he thought they were going to round up all the Republicans and tote them off to abandoned WalMarts to be re-educated (like there’s any “re” part to that) to become liberals.

No, it was really worse than that.  Jade Helm in 2015 was Greg Abbott falling for a Russian test case to create disinformation and drive the media.  It was looney toons around here at the time and the beginning of the conspiracy theories becoming the driving force of politics.

And as my friend Elizabeth Moon says …

Despite the number of Texas residents who were part of the attack on the Capitol and the number of Texas Congresscritters who voted to reject the Electoral College count, didn’t wear masks, and in some cases gave tours of the Capitol the day before the attack…the FBI should ignore the Texas National Guard because Abbott might be “offended?” GRRR. Abbott’s an idiot. I’m offended by his being offended.

Somebody please check the Governor this morning.  He’s about a quart low on reality juice.


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0 Comments to “Greg Abbott is Offended … And Goofy”

  1. Is it over? says:

    He’s not a quart low on reality juice……he just overfilled the dumbass valve by a quart

  2. It’s really sad how Republicans politicize rather than think.

  3. Jane & PKM says:

    Anyone heard from Bobby Jindal lately? Appears the ‘Cons never heard him at all when he said, “stop being the party of stupid.”

  4. AlanInAustin ... says:

    Abbott would have gone catatonic if the Pentagon had pulled its military bases in response to his demonstrated distrust of the Armed Forces.

  5. Steve from Beaverton says:

    I guess abbott would call it fake news that the army has removed 2 guardsmen from the inauguration detail over their ties to white supremacist groups. You know, the groups that attacked the capital. Oh that’s right, the insurrection was a false flag. Greg, maybe you can move to Wyoming because the head of their repugnantican party wants to join in on a “Texas” style secession. You should know what that means cuz aren’t you the head texas repugnantican?

  6. Grandma Ada says:

    Alas, poor Greg. We have borne him for too many years.

  7. slipstream says:

    Doonesbury on Texas secession:

  8. Opinionated Hussy says:

    StevefromBeaverton – wasn’t that “Antifa”?

  9. Somebody check his meds!!! This is what can happen when he dosn’t take them correctly!
