Going Lower Than Low

September 15, 2022 By: Fenway Fran Category: Uncategorized

This morning’s news is disgusting on so many levels. Using people as political pawns. Flying them to a tiny island far from urban centers where more facilities and help are available. Using FL taxpayers’ dollars to pull the stunt. And you know a flight to Martha’s Vineyard isn’t cheap! Your constituents in FL must be so proud, Gov. DeSantis. Aren’t you something! BTW you obviously haven’t been to Massachusetts, where there are plenty of hard-working immigrants. Kudos to MV for doing their best to help these poor souls. I hate starting my morning angry. I haven’t even finished my first cup of coffee out here on the left coast. It will be a cold day in h-e-double hockey sticks before I ever set foot in FL again.

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