God, I’m Not Telling You What To Do, But Holy Crap …

November 26, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

When I go to that great styling school in the sky, I want to ask God a question and it is this:  Why did you not strike down John Cornyn with a bolt of lightning when he accused someone else of abuse of power?

Hell, John Cornyn invented abuse of power.

John Cornyn is accusing Harry Reid and the Democrats of abuse of power for wanting to reform the filibuster, which John Cornyn has used for 4 years to abuse his power.  The very least that ought to happen to Cornyn is that he gets dizzy and vomits from all that damn spinning.

Here’s what the Democrats want …

What Reid appears most likely to do is push for an end to the filibuster on so-called motions to proceed, or the beginning of a debate on bills or nominations. If Reid goes this route, senators could still filibuster virtually any other aspect of Senate business, including any movement to end debate and call for a final vote on a bill.

And Reid is strongly considering pushing for other filibuster changes, too — most notably requiring senators to actually go to the floor and carry out an endless talking session, rather than simply threaten them as they do now. Reminiscent of the 1939 movie classic “Mr. Smith Goes to Washington,” the idea has picked up steam in liberal circles — and its intent is to discourage senators from filibustering, though it would fundamentally change the very nature of the modern Senate.

Republicans want to filibuster with no consequences known to the public.  What is it that Republicans are fond of saying, “Elections have consequences?”

And, ask yourself, would “fundamentally changing the very nature of the modern Senate be a BAD thing?”

Go nuclear on their butts, Harry.  And then step out of the way because it’s only a matter of time before God strikes John Cornyn with enough volts to jump start a nuclear submarine.

Thanks to David for the heads up.

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