Go Wisconsin!

June 07, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

It’s 1:30 am and Wisconsin Republican State Representative Mary Czaja has a shot of genius:  let anybody, including high school dropouts, teach school.

Good Lord, how drunk was she?  She’s totally eliminating teacher licensing standards.

1268“The districts are going to be the ones that hire these people, and I firmly believe that they’re not going to throw somebody in there that isn’t doing a good job,” Czaja said. “This is just flexibilities. They don’t have to use it.”

Czaja couldn’t name any districts that had asked for the broader flexibilities.

So, a high school dropout might work cheaper than a fully licensed teacher, ya think?

Governor Scott Walker does. Walker proposed easing teacher certification provisions in his original budget request.

Mississippi is excited about the possibly of losing last place in eduction.

Thanks to Mark for the heads up.

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