Go Home, Sarah, You’re Drunk

September 25, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Sarah Sanders trots out her scowling self on Fox News to defend Brett Kavanaugh and Trump.  She gets her ducks in a row in her head and then says – out loud, mind you – that she thinks Kavanaugh should get a vote.

“The president wants this process to come to a vote because that’s what’s supposed to happen,” she said. “In every single one of these instances where someone is nominated, they go before, they have a hearing and then the senators vote on it.”


Oh hell no.

1. Merrick Garland

2. Two guys under Ulysses Grant.

3. Douglas Ginsberg under Ronald Reagan.

4. Harriet Miers under Dubya.

… and more …

But, mostly Merrick Garland.

That’s what this administration has come to: they don’t even try to be right.


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0 Comments to “Go Home, Sarah, You’re Drunk”

  1. The expression on Sarah Huckasplain’s face is an example of happens when you take Nyquil and Dayquil at the same time.

  2. I’m not above eviscerating Scare-ah, but only on things over which she exercises control: her choice to lie for this president’s administration being prime. Those of us like Scare-ah who were born ugly as a mud fence, didn’t make a choice of this or that.

  3. “because that’s what’s supposed to happen”? Then why bother with the hearing and the vote?

  4. On the same level as “Are so! Am not! Are, too! etc. etc.”

  5. Heheh, I just made a comment about this on another thread below this.
    But I thought Scarah made the statement on ABC’s GMA, makes more sense on FuxNooz F&F though; the cretinous audience over there just laps this chit up on their telescreens, the Minitrue Meatheads.

    This is the prelude to a kleptocratic, theocratic, fascistic regime if I ever saw one. Rewriting and erasing history is one of the first, and most vital, things that they do. People like Scarah and Kellyanne know what they are doing.
    George Orwell’s novel “Nineteen Eighty-Four” isn’t even close anymore.

  6. Susan on the Left Coast says:

    FYI: Bill Cosby was sentenced to prison today (3-10 yrs)…
    just watch this Cosby show clip where he admits drugging the dinner guests….am stunned and shaken by it.

  7. A note, I am waiting very patiently for the 3rd season of The Man in the High Castle to begin next week. For those who did not watch, this is about a alternate/parallel universe where the we lose WWII. We keep getting glimpses of reality( the way it really happened). I think trump and his thugs are stuck in a sort of alternative universe ,so my point is we will get back to normal soon.

  8. That Other Jean says:

    If Trump and Co. were trying to be right, even occasionally, they couldn’t do most of the stuff that they do. So they don’t try. Every time they’re confronted with reality, they just yell “Fake news!”. It’s so much easier.

  9. Question 1:
    Due to the continued actions of Trump administration officials (lookin’ at you Sarah) how will we know it’s Halloween this year? I’ve seen enough old white skeletons from the Senate clattering across my TV screen, as well as assorted ghosts and goblins to last me a lifetime. Well before Walmart puts out the costumes and candy.

    Question 2:
    When young Donny T. went out on Halloween dressed as a ghost/Grand Wizard in a white sheet, and his neighbors opened their door did he shout at them, “TRICK!!!!”

  10. she says she’s a follower of zombie jeebus. and her lying daddy too. how does she justify working for a lying liar and lying for money?

  11. Unless Dotard45 nominates Merrick Garland, no vote. Take that ‘itch McConnell. As for Sarah Chuck-A-Load Sandbag, really wish there was a hell other than the hell here on earth being created by the Dotard45 maladministration.

  12. When the truth is found
    To be lies
    And all the joy
    Within you dies

    . . . it must be Sarah Huckabee Sanders flappin’ her lying mouth again.

  13. The thuglicans hiring an outside inquisator/prosecutor to hide behind on Thursday, and refusing to divulge the name of their smear merchant.
    On the start of questioning the D’s should bring in Michael Avenatti to handle the questioning of kavanaugh.
    No warning just have the D’s ask that he comes up out of the audience. The D’s should say we would prefer to do our own jobs but in the sense of fairness kavanaugh should face a trained inquistor whose experience is not to get the truth but to attack witnesses in a drive to protect those who pay us.
    Maybe have Gloria Allred as tag team partner.

  14. Rethuglicans believe in the alternate truth, that is whatever crapola they make up to serve their purposes. Pseudologist Sarah spews the party line instinctively. No surprise there, her dad, Rev. Huckabuck, modeled prevarication perfectly.

  15. I wonder if the Republicans are putting up such a fight for Kavanaugh because they don’t have any suitable candidates who don’t have a history of sexual assault.

  16. Speaking of alternate truth, when Dumbo started bragging about all of his accomplishments, the UN delegates laughed at him. That’s what should happen in Congress, but the Rethuglican wimps dare not laugh at the emperor without any clothes.

  17. Linda Phippd says:

    Maymoon, I did not watch that show, and possibly would not – it sounds dystopian, and we already are living in a dystopia. Micr: I refrain from denigrating one’s appearance as, actually it isn’t their fault, however, Sarah’s fashion choices don’t help. It sometimes distracts me from hearing her blibbertyblab.

  18. K, I really, really like that idea of bringing on Avenatti. Unfortunately, our D’s don’t have the cojones. Well, maybe Kamala Harris. In fact, I prefer Kamala to question Kav – that is right in her wheelhouse of expertise – and she ain’t shy.

  19. I loved it when they laughed at him at the U.N. I believe that happened more than once.

  20. I would love to see grassley’s face when the D’s called him up from the audience.
    Problem with multiple questionaries is that it is easier to filibuster each one separately and the next one doesn’t do follow up.
    I agree let Harris and perhaps Mazie take all of the d’s time and hammer him until he cry’s.

  21. Importing a special prosecutor with vast experience in sexual assault cases? Just to cover their sexist asses? So they don’t say something en banc that will show who and what they really are for the world to see? And Kav keeps yelping that he wants to clear this name! Fine! Then he should be the one insisting on an FBI investigation before he goes one inch further. Did ayubody get a good look at his wife’s face when he went on and on about his virginity? Sheesh!!! And by the way, somebody should read him the questions he wrote down that he was going to ask Bill Clinton years ago when he and Ken Starr were buds. They are light years past indelicate. Maybe just before he goes to sleep, a little light reading by nightlite . . . imagine that.

  22. I know! I know! It’s going to be Monica Lewinsky. Vast experience in sexual assault cases.

  23. Just for chuckles wouldn’t it be great if Avenatti’s client is Valerie Plume.
    Just think the crow that partisan hack nicole wallace would have to eat after trying to smear this honorable woman while in service to the second most dishonorable admin. in history.
    Espiacially after she lied about how honest and honorable here dick was when she was the vp shill in the twits admin.
    Not to mention watching grassley’s head explode.

  24. Opening statement from grassley and feinstein have no time limit.
    Considering the numerous impropieties that grassley is imposing on this starr chamber hearing he is staging perhaps feinstein could borrow Wendy Davis’s tennies and filibuster for hours and hours with her feet up on the desk and stopping this sham from proceeding.
    She could incorporate Prof. Fords statement into it and include an opening statement from Ms. Ramirez plus stories of women oppressed by kavanaugh’s hero and fellow judicial sleaze kozinski while reading into the record examples of the filth that kozinski trafficed in.
    Read excerpts from kavanaugh’s student friend judges book into the record.
    oh and don’t forget to add some of grassley’s comments disparageing Prof. Hill. Oh yeah and the stories of those put upon by demented donnie.
    Get it all into the record.

  25. What’s wrong with Sarah is what’s behind her face. Let’s leave her looks alone.
    K: great idea. Feinstein could read all the relevant bits of the New Yorker article.

  26. @Maryelle:

    Faux Noose wiped the video of laughter befroe they showed it to their cretinous audience.

  27. Buttermilk Sky says:

    Papa, I’m shocked — that they didn’t replace it with applause.

  28. I saw the title of this post and thought it was about the Forgotten Sarah. But that one wouldn’t be drunk. That one be meth.

  29. @NicaBrian

    Yeah, one has to be real careful and not ask Palin, “So whatcha cooking?”
