Go Big or Go Home

August 15, 2023 By: Nick Carraway Category: Uncategorized

As our former president negotiates his way through a fourth set of indictments it seems pertinent to talk about why it hasn’t had much of an effect on his base. In point of fact, he is still the odds on favorite to win the Republican nomination. The concept might seem foreign to most of us, but I have a working theory. Simply put, most of us think small. I could get into advanced psychology here, but suffice it to say this gets into moral and ethical development. Essentially, most observers see moral development in three stages. The early childhood stage has people simply meeting their needs and ignoring moral norms. In early childhood we wouldn’t even know those norms anyway. Most things exist as an extension of self. So, concepts like the self-determination of other people or family pets are foreign concepts.

When we enter adolescence we start moving to the second or third stage depending on how much we develop as people. We recognize the rules and norms of society and we follow them because we are afraid of what will happen if we don’t. That’s the second stage. A good chunk of the population never gets past this point and as long as we get to this point then society functions smoothly. The third stage involved us developing our own moral and ethical code that can exist simultaneously with the norms of society. These norms are usually beyond that of society and move us to a higher moral plain. It is more the question of what we do when the world isn’t watching.

It is this paradigm that has many Americans trapped in his moment. It is the belief that someone that might be guilty of the same kind of nepotism that we see in our walks of life is somehow morally equivalent to someone that has brazenly broken the law at every turn. Ultimately, the same is true for all of these indictments. It all seems too much. No one could be that horrible. So, it immediately seems like a double standard. We want to indict the other guy because we “know” he must be doing the small stuff. If your mind will not allow you to do the big stuff then it will have difficulty recognizing the big stuff that other people are doing.

Essentially we are watching a Discovery True Crime documentary before our very eyes. One of my favorites involves the “monsters” in our own home. We didn’t think they could do it, but there were signs. Signs. In each and every episode the living victims talk about how they saw some horrible things, but couldn’t believe that the monster would do THAT. The audience is frantically shouting, “get out now. Leave. Hurry and don’t look back.” Yet, it never seems to happen. Those willing to do the big are monsters. We elected a monster in 2016. He will keep doing these things. He has been indicted in four different jurisdictions. He was found civilly liable for sexual assault in a fifth jurisdiction. He is overtly threatening judges, lawyers, and witnesses. He is calling on his supporters to fight in his name. He isn’t hinting at it anymore. Go big or go home. When someone tells you who they really are you have to believe them.

0 Comments to “Go Big or Go Home”

  1. There are not one but several reasons that some individual might still be supporting Trump despite their own self interests. At the top of this is the amalgam of basic stupidity and tribal thinking (racism by another word).

    Who knows if Trump will actually be convicted. Given the facts it will be based in each case as to whether you get a stealth MAGA on the jury or not. However the enthusiasm for Trump does seem to be taking a hit. I didn’t see any riots yesterday.

  2. By & Large the rePUKEian party are criminals, aiming to be fascists. SO having such a person as their candidate is no surprise. They proved to all who care what they are the last time the orange dude was supported by them.

  3. Oldymoldy says:

    “Simply put, most of us think small.…”

    No doubt this is a small singular anecdote, but…
    I have distant family members who have been lifelong republicans-working people, teacher. Why republicans? Who in the world knows? Propaganda I suppose? Anyway, they sailed along doing ok till nearly old and at a certain point decided to retire and, wouldn’t you know it, a certain party in political power in the state had changed the rules and used retirement funds for something else!? Well, Shit!
    Then one of their children had a catastrophic health issue and they couldn’t pay for it. They searched everywhere for years and couldn’t find help! Anywhere! At all! Ten years later now and they’re still in a serious pickle. But no doubt the local republican politicians are content!

  4. John in Lake Oswego says:

    Minor point: As I am playacting as Gus, the editor, in the third season of “The Wire”, I state: “higher moral PLANE” Otherwise, excellent analysis of personal development!

    Isn’t it wonderful that Trump has put the words “Fascist” and “Nazi” back in civil discourse……..
