Glory, Glory, Hallelujah

June 01, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Oh, y’all, lookie here, my dear:

“If black and Latino voters come out and vote, we could win Texas.”

— Hillary Clinton

Win Texas?  It’s only a remote possibility unless you pump some money and effort into this state.  Once Texas flips blue, the Republican party is deader than Hebert Hoover.

Texas has been the ATM machine for the Democratic Party for far too long.  There’s no need for that.  If every candidate who comes here for money would just leave 5% on the table for Texas Democrats, we could build a robust GOTV effort.  Just 5%.

This is “a thing” with me.  I am refusing to give money to out of state candidates who fundraise here.  Except Elizabeth Warren.  She came to fundraise big dollar donors in Austin; she taught at UT a while ago. She asked if there was anything she could do for Texas Democrats before she left town.  The Texas Democratic Party put together an outdoor fundraiser at a local beer joint.  They packed the place and filled the coffers by charging $35 to hear her speak.  That impressed me and every other Texas Democrat. She helped Texas and she bought a lot of goodwill here.  God bless her.

Just thought you’d want to know.

Thank to John for the heads up.


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