Give Me Back My C-Span, Louie!
Have you ever felt like every damn time you turn on C-Span, there is Louie Gohmert blabbing?
Have you ever wondered how one man can say so many dumb things?
Have you ever felt like he’s hogging all the stoopid?
Well, Bubbie, it ain’t just you.
It’s really happening.
Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Texas) logged the most speaking time on the House floor this year out of his more than 400 colleagues.
Capitol Hill staffers are accustomed to looking up at C-SPAN at the end of the legislative day and seeing Gohmert delivering long-winded “special order” speeches for 30 to 60 minutes at a time, multiple times per week. Gohmert clocked in about 29 hours on the floor in 2014, according to C-SPAN data.
Hell, you could let Neil deGrasse Tyson talk that much and even he would eventually say something ignorant.
Hell, there wasn’t even a second place. Seriously. Steve King, the mega-conservative from Iowa, logged the next highest number at 10 hours, which is about a third as much as Louie.
So, that means by scientific measure that Louie won 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place.
Our best hope is that he’ll wear-out.
Thanks to Kyle for the heads up.