Girlfriends, This Man Needs To Be Laughed At Real Bad

September 02, 2010 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


Juanita was standing in the middle of the beauty salon this morning holding a copy of an email that was forwarded to her by David.  David is a good liberal man raising an amazing teenager daughter, so this email got under his skin so badly that he gave Juanita permission to post it on the beauty salon’s website.

“Now, here’s the deal,” Juanita requests.  “I’m gonna print this email from a guy named Joe Palazzo.  Your part is to let Joe know how you feel about his attitude toward First Lady Michelle Obama.  We will let David send this website with your comments to Joe so he will know how popular this is going to make him among the hooter toter gender.”

The picture?  Left to right – Princess Letizia of Spain,  French First Lady Carla Bruni, and American First Lady Michelle Obama.

Joe’s intellectual comment?

That is the kind of ass you get if you’re black and fill it with lobster and caviar.  Notice her forward lean with her tree-swinging arms slightly in front of her hips.  And look at the other two giving her room — they are kinda standing a little to the rear as to not get knocked down in case the black mamba should suddenly turn around to wave at the photographers.

“Okay,” Juanita says, “tell me, Girlfriends, how big is Joe’s winkie?”

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