Get Yourself Some Religion

May 19, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


This is an actual sign in actual Kentucky on an actual backroad.


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I’m gonna get baptized and apply to be a deacon.

Thanks to Richard for the heads up.


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0 Comments to “Get Yourself Some Religion”

  1. Finally! Proof that crawfish are holy!

  2. Marcia in CO says:

    Louisiana has known that for a long, long time … holy is the lowly crawfish aka crawdad aka mud baby … poor man’s lobster!!

  3. Elizabeth2 says:

    There’s a line around the block for Communion.

  4. I’m trying to picture the preacher in the pulpit, with the antennae and claws and big wide tail, but it just won’t come into focus….

  5. does this mean I finally found Jesus?

  6. For those among us searching, waiting for a sign…

  7. Kate Dungan says:

    Holy Mudbugs!

  8. Corinne Sabo says:

    I used to catch crawfish. They may be after me.

  9. Crawfish Holiness Church should affiliate with the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster.


  10. Marge Wood says:

    Now y’all oughtn’t to make fun of them folks, tempting as it is. For one thing, it gives them weaponry against those evil libruls who pick on them.

  11. Even a big, universal, omnipotent God would have trouble knowing Kentucky existed.

  12. I’m gonna guess that there is some place in that state named Crawfish, maybe after the local creek. No way would I eat those things! My late husband, he of the high water marks on his legs, thought they were haute cuisine. Wonder what the hell he would do about that holiness thing?

  13. daChipster says:


    I found the Church of Holiness / Up on Crawfish Road
    I wondered if they’d take me there / I am such a toad
    But sure enough the preacher man / Asked me to come in
    He said if I found Jesus soon / I could renounce sin
    This sounded like a deal to me / I have sinned a lot
    Renouncing it seemed better than / Ending someplace hot

    From far away I heard a call / Your life is much but its not all
    Away turn from the other gods / For sure you will improve your odds

    The Crawfish Church of Holiness / Will save you from your holy mess
    Away turn from the other gods / I am the Pope of Arthropods

    There was a font for baptism / Right up in the front
    A big tub, warm and inviting / All a toad could want
    You must be washed, the preacher said / Service is at eight
    And cleanliness is godliness / When passing the plate
    So eagerly I hopped right in / For to be baptized
    The whole process took longer though / Than I’d first surmised.

    The man explained that baptizing / Such a dirty soul
    Would maybe take me six whole hours / But then I’d be whole
    And fit for service, certainly / Those who come at eight
    Would marvel at my cleanliness / As they passed the plate.
    I felt the hours go passing by / I sat in the wet
    The heat seemed to intensify / I began to sweat

    The time passed by all in a blur / I felt a bit hot
    But was too tired to jump out of / The baptismal pot
    The preacher man was in and out / Checking on my soul
    At times he put some incense in / And some escarole
    The service time was drawing near / Service was at eight
    The preacher man was polishing / The collection plate

    From far away I heard the cry / All amphibians surely die
    We’re out of crawfish, by the way / So service is toad etouffee

    The Crawfish Church of Holiness / Will serve you from their holy mess
    You’ll be the food for other gods / I am the Pope of Arthropods

    And fit for service, certainly / Those who came at eight
    Did marvel at my godliness / As they passed the plate.

  14. AKLynne says:

    daChipster, I am humbled by your awesome toadliness.

  15. Wyatt Earl says:

    as apround son of the Commonwealth, three things.

    1. AS IF, they’d make you, a woman, a deacon.
    2. King James only. You know, the one God wrote.
    3. Yo! Micr! Me and you, noon tomorrow, out back of the beauty salon.

  16. James Pirtle says:

    It’s been a long, long time. But I think the church is on Crawfish Road in Clay County. Back then it was Holiness Church on Crawfish Road. But that was then.

  17. e platypus onion says:

    Some of that old time religion needs D-Con,not deacons.

  18. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Wyatt Earl, stand down cowboy! Micr is a good man, really or at least he will be after I shoot that Wild Turkey & 7 out of his hand and replace it with a shot glass of Wild Turkey.

    C’mon guys, just because this is The World’s Most Dangerous Beauty Salon, Inc., that does not mean we can be gun slinging or gendzl goslings in front of the ladies.

    Just kidding, Mama!!! Please don’t hurt me. Yes, I know. Yes, Mama, Thelma is the law in this saloon. 😉

  19. And what would they use to baptize you, cocktail sauce or melted butter?

  20. Oh daChipster, that was some of the most beautiful poetry I’ve ever read. Shakespearean even.

  21. @Wyatt Earl
    The problem with meeting you at noon ‘hind the salon is if I do it for you I gotta do it for ever body and then the line would snake down the street two blocks. Its embarrassing to be so “popular” but it’s the cross I bear.

    Please please please don’t waste good Wild Turkey exampling yore handgunning skills. I believe.

  22. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Micr, relax good friend. The thought of Thelma sending me on a pavement skid ride out the front door sort of cures a man of carrying a gun into this saloon. Plus, you’re correct; wasting the Wild Turkey would be alcohol abuse. Next round is on me, pardner!

  23. I tried to be baptized there, but I couldn’t hold my breath long enough.

  24. Virginia says:

    I tried to be baptized there, but the water was too hot.

  25. Ralph Wiggam says:

    Notice that services are at diner time on Thursday and Saturday. Yum!

  26. Wyatt Earl says:

    @PKM-I was thinking cans of hair spray as weapons.
    @Micr OK you’re off the hook this time, but the Commonwealth is watching you. I’d turn you over to our state senators if we had one that gave a rats patoot about Kentucky.

  27. Larry from Colorado says:

    Juanita has some cool friends.

  28. Zyxomma says:

    Why am I guessing that the congregation picks and chooses among the verses of Leviticus? Cotton/poly shirts? Messy hair in church? SHELLFISH? Pork?

  29. e platypus onion says:

    daChipster-iffen you was a cane toad,they coulda jus’ likked you and hallucinated through the rest of the meal….er… service. Now try to rhyme hallucinate. 🙂

  30. Cheryl Ann says:

    Seriously, JJ, when are we going to get like buttons on the comments?? Love it, daChipster!!

  31. Juanita Jean says:

    Way too much trouble, CherylAnn. Just comment “Da Chipster Rules.”

  32. daChipster says:

    srsly, epo?

    They all ate the toad and hallucinated
    “BUT,” the preacher man elucidated
    “Though you may feel swell
    You’re all going to hell
    ‘Cause now you’re all excommunicated!”

  33. e platypus onion says:

    + 1million,daChipster. 🙂

  34. maryelle says:

    EPO: Now you know not to challenge The Wordmaster, daChipster. Hallucinated, Elucidated and Excommunicated!!! That is some fine rhyming, sir.
