Bill O’Reilly Has Children? That’s Just Creepy.

May 19, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, so come to find out, Bill O’Reilly is being accused of assault against his newly-ex wife.

O’Reilly says it’s not true but …

I am going to respect the court-mandated confidentiality put in place to protect my children and will not comment any further,” he said.

billoKinda reminds me of his 2004 sexual harassment lawsuit settled out of court because he can’t discuss that one either.

Okay, so it’s horrible of me to assume that a hot-tempered, misogynistic, controlling man like O’Reilly is the kind of person who would do that but I’ve come to … quack, quack, quack.  Look!  A duck!

Their 2011 divorce, leading to a custody dispute that wrapped up three weeks ago, resulted in McPhilmy winning custody of their two minor children.

Yeah, well, and that.  I’d say that’s good news but I doubt any woman who would marry O’Reilly has any business raising children.


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0 Comments to “Bill O’Reilly Has Children? That’s Just Creepy.”

  1. 1smartcanerican says:

    He truly comes across as an angry, hateful man whom I would avoid at all costs! I feel so sorry for his ex-wife and children and anyone who is associated with them.

    What a total creep!

  2. Just because (a guy like) oh-really can make kids doesn’t mean he should make kids. Poor kids.

  3. I can understand the shock. Cannot fathom how anyone can marry a loose cannon like him, let alone have children with him. He’s a sociopath for sure. Oddly enough when even slightly cornered on his behavioral issues, he will blame it all on the way he was treated in high school and so on. Claims he was bullied by rich kids who came to school everyday in a different and expensive blazer whereas he had only one and they picked on him. ??? He went to a Catholic high school where blazers could be part of the uniform. He had only one blazer cuz – according to him – his parents were poor and just barely able to pay his tuition. That must have come across to them as a real shock as his dad had a decent job. Consequently I totally doubt the blazer/bullying story. But what can you expect from somebody with no talent?

  4. Corinne Sabo says:

    This is a duck that should be penned.

  5. An entire career and personal life based on, and dependent upon turning off someone else’s microphone.

  6. AliceBeth says:

    Try not to judge her. Many people marry and then find out very different things about the person they chose. I am not saying he was ever a great choice, but people have been fooled before. I am not saying she is a wonderful person, we do not know her like we know him. He is an egotistical, pompous jerk. I would love to see him ruined publicly. I mean horrible embarrassing ruin but I think he is as big a cockroach as Limbaugh or Cheney or….well I could go on and on.

  7. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Remind me again, Bilgo, just what was it you were saying the NFL should do with wife beaters? I eagerly await your sage advice as to what Fox not the News should do with you.

    If where there is smoke there’s fire, this duck should be past crispy to the point of his very last bone being ash.

    Maybe cable TV will give us a twofer and can Joe the intern killer, too. Put an end to violence on cable news, starting with the microphone wearing bullies.

  8. His stories of being bullied are probably as true as his War Correspondent stories.

  9. StringOnAStick says:

    Imagine the ignominy of being a spawn of O’Loofa, and the discomfort of people knowing your old man is that guy. Because we all know that at some point, he’s gonna crash and burn very publically. Then again, I figured the crazy coming out of Beck would have consigned him to nowhere by now too.

    And 100% custody going to the mom, no 50-50? Methinks the decision is indicative of some serious behavior issues. Since when does a rich guy not get at least 50%?

  10. Bill O’Reilly is a father? He sure is. The father of lies.

  11. mollusk says:

    One may question the judgment of someone who allowed O’Really to spawn with her.

    Still, isn’t it better to put the kids with the person who at least backed away from the crazy?

  12. Zencliff says:

    Let’s hope he never goes here:

  13. e platypus onion says:

    Maybe the fambly was just a prop to make Orally seem more…..human and likable,maybe. Everything else with Fake Noise is made up.

  14. He also tried to get his ex wife’s boyfriend fired from his job as a police officer. He gave a large contribution to the PBA and then wanted some ‘action’ for his generosity.
    He also tried to get his wife excommunicated from the Catholic church.

    What a guy! What a father! Hope he’s not expecting some Father’s Day presents!

  15. God, can you imagine how much therapy you’d need being raised by that rage-aholic?

  16. Power & Money is what it takes to get laid, Here is proof!

  17. This woman was dumb enough to marry Bill, but maybe her stupidity stops there. Perhaps the kids aren’t his.

  18. Marge Wood says:

    I believe the bullying part. Students and teachers both often pick one person they sense is not their kind and pick on that person. I don’t believe a person his age should use that as an excuse for bad behavior.

  19. daChipster says:

    Luke Skywalker thought HE had a difficult father.
