Get This Woman Some Estrogen, Honey

October 22, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Pat Wayman lives in Florida and she’s got a plan.

Pat is all excited to get herself some power so she can do some damn good.  She and her friend Steven R. Fields are cooking up some revolution as they serve on the county charter commission.

The pair have voted to establish a “people’s common law grand jury,” which sovereign citizens and other anti-government extremists have proposed to investigate and prosecute government officials for treason — which, as they frequently point out, carries a potential death penalty.

“Take a look at the French Revolution and what took place there,” said Mike Bolam, who has attended charter review board meetings to support the common law grand juries.

Yeah, what’s the use of having all these guns if you’re not gonna shoot them at your neighbors?

According to Pat, 25 citizens can meet in private and form their own grand jury.

Screen Shot 2015-10-22 at 9.21.55 AM“A people’s common law grand jury can, without any probable cause, go into any nook or cranny of government — local, state or federal — research anything that’s going on and root out corruption. We want the government to recognize the contract we call the constitution, and start obeying the law. It’s very simple.”

You know, that sounds more like the Salem Witch Trials than the French Revolution.

Here’s Pat’s big target according to her Facebook page.


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Yep, Ole Pat claims that her county can meet in secret, indict Obama for murder and execute him before dinner time.

She ain’t even from Texas.

Thanks to Carol for the heads up.  


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