Get This Woman Some Estrogen, Honey

October 22, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Pat Wayman lives in Florida and she’s got a plan.

Pat is all excited to get herself some power so she can do some damn good.  She and her friend Steven R. Fields are cooking up some revolution as they serve on the county charter commission.

The pair have voted to establish a “people’s common law grand jury,” which sovereign citizens and other anti-government extremists have proposed to investigate and prosecute government officials for treason — which, as they frequently point out, carries a potential death penalty.

“Take a look at the French Revolution and what took place there,” said Mike Bolam, who has attended charter review board meetings to support the common law grand juries.

Yeah, what’s the use of having all these guns if you’re not gonna shoot them at your neighbors?

According to Pat, 25 citizens can meet in private and form their own grand jury.

Screen Shot 2015-10-22 at 9.21.55 AM“A people’s common law grand jury can, without any probable cause, go into any nook or cranny of government — local, state or federal — research anything that’s going on and root out corruption. We want the government to recognize the contract we call the constitution, and start obeying the law. It’s very simple.”

You know, that sounds more like the Salem Witch Trials than the French Revolution.

Here’s Pat’s big target according to her Facebook page.


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Yep, Ole Pat claims that her county can meet in secret, indict Obama for murder and execute him before dinner time.

She ain’t even from Texas.

Thanks to Carol for the heads up.  


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0 Comments to “Get This Woman Some Estrogen, Honey”

  1. I look forward to the day these idiots are investigated for sedition. Also, they better not be paying themselves with taxpayer dollars.

  2. Will Juanita let us convene a Grand Jury in front of the salon so we can indict this Pat & co. for felony stupidity?

  3. TruelyTexan says:

    I seem to remember some rules against threatening a presidents life. If anyone had suggested this after 9/11 for Bush, his jackbooted thugs (NSA, Homeland “Security”) would have rounded them up and given them a vacation in Cuba.
    The repugs war on education is obviously working. How these people manage to feed and clothe themselves is beyond me.

  4. daChipster says:

    Something tells me that these guys could be fooled by Bugs Bunny’s old “RABBIT Season! – Duck Season. – RABBIT Season! – Duck Season. – RABBIT Season! – Rabbit Season. – DUCK Season – FIRE!” ploy.

  5. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    So, what has Pat so all fired up? Is she dissatisfied with the speed with which President Obama has extracted us from Dubya’s wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, pulled our economy from the ditch into which it was driven, or any number of Bush2 messes?

    In some regards, I can appreciate the frustrations of the Tea Baggers. We are one nation and we all share in a myriad of problems for which we bear the costs. However, their misdirected anger does make it more than difficult to have a rational discussion with them as to what ails us.

    There are solutions and common goals. However, second amending the man actually working to solve our problems is not one of the remedies.

    As glf mentioned, that is the definition of sedition.

  6. People like her guarantee that the executive protection function of the United States Secret Service will exist for a thousand years!

    When Pat is arrested.. and that is almost a certainty given the present climate of incivility and lack of impulse control in this country … the grand jury that indicts her will meet and WITH probable cause, look into every nook and cranny of her life back to about age 6. OTOH if she twists off in a violent public way and takes hostages and kills people I hope she has the decency to kill herownself.

    Or maybe this is a cry for help and this country’s world class mental health infrastructure will taker her in and protect her from herself.

    Oh yeah… Ronald Reagan. I forget.


  7. WallyinFl says:

    Recently just north of my County the Sarasota County board of something apparently has a wingnut like this crazy lady. The same issue was voted on but fortunately lost 4-2.

    These idiots are mentally unstable and apparently divorced from reality. I know morons like these have been around forever but since the dreaded evil President Barack Hussein Obama has declared himself Ayatolla of the United States they have gotten terribly worse. I just hope that next year after a Democrat wins the White House again these ….%$# people don’t lose what left of their minds and really go nuts.

  8. @TruelyTexan

    maryelle made the best post on October 21, 2015 at 11:10 am. Her post is the definitive answer for just about anything nacilbupeR:

    “Great quote from Roger Simon of Politico:
    ‘The Republican party has peddled xenophobia, misogyny and willful ignorance for years…not surprising that it has come up with xenophobic, misogynistic and willfully ignorant candidates…'”

    And by extension, it has attracted and built a “xenophobic, misogynistic and willfully ignorant” base.

  9. e platypus onion says:

    Obama does look like the usual suspect to pasty white,uneducated wingnuts. Black is/was/always has been the new “bullseye for itchy trigger fingered morons.

  10. publius balonius says:

    Ugh! Florida woman. I probably know a person like this, but they have the remaining sense to keep their pieholes shut around me. I do not sit politely while they vent. They really don’t like being called on their nonsense.

  11. Sounds like a modern day version of the old lynch mobs. How can these people be so ignorant? Is it something in the water;something in their DNA;or just extreme stupidity by personal choice? So tired of them and their ignorant caca!

  12. Ralph Wiggam says:

    I like Cole’s idea. We could knock out an indictment, conviction, and sentencing in less than an hour even with bathroom breaks. Then the next time the county charter commission meets we can put the execution on the agenda. Oh what fun!

  13. No way in hell is that woman only 25 years old.

  14. Oops, I guess there wasn’t a comma after 25.

  15. Just when you think the WingNuts have plumbed the depths of ignorance they sink deeper. They have created their own Black Hole of ignorance.

  16. Pat, what you are describing sounds more like a lynch mob! Ain’t you just so proud of yourself!

  17. How can they figure Obama is guilty of murder and treason and Nixon, Reagan and Baby Bush weren’t?

    (Anybody else notice the recent Nixon tape publication where he said that bombing North Vietnam was totally useless, and went on to order more bombing? You don’t think that’s flat-out murder?)

  18. e platypus onion says:

    Tricky Dick also expanded the bombing into Cambodia and Laos-war crimes.

  19. Chloe Bear says:

    Sovereign Citizens are a frightening bunch. The fact that they are holding elected office is disturbing. Eventually they will have enough votes to succeed in their nonsense and folks will be hurt.

  20. Donna Hackemack Bryant says:

    No worries. These particular wingnuts will soon be saying nothing but “glub, glub, glub” as the ocean waters of climate change (in which I’m sure they don’t believe) close silently over Florida. Them being so dadburn ignurnt, I’m sure they & their assault weapons will be the last to leave.

  21. This again. It was old years ago, stale long before that, and rotten even before it went stale.

  22. Marge Wood says:

    thanks, Zyxomma, I was about to git skeered there. Really. Sovereign Citizens my hind foot.

  23. Marge Wood says:

    thanks, Zyxomma, I was about to git skeered there. Really. Sovereign Citizens my hind foot. Besides, this sort of idea is what makes me really want all of us to work hard to help AVOID her kind of revolution. Can’t you imagine her smiing face above a gun or a pitchfork when you open your front door?

  24. Elizabeth Moon says:

    I can imagine not opening my front door if I saw her (or anyone like her with a pitchfork or gun) on my front porch.

    I can imagine what I’d do next, and very fast, too. Castle doctrine might be involved.
