Georgia on Our Minds

December 29, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


Short report from Glen:

All are getting experience in field for a few days and learning how canvasses are being run here until Jan 1 when each team will take over a canvass launch center.   They’ll supervise all the local volunteers through Election Day.

Tv ads are friggin insane. I learned western civilization ends soon if Dems win and every right wing trope dark money buy spews from the TV machine.
Oh and did you know Jon Ossoff works for the Chinese?
Democrats are taking away your health care and we hate the police.
Willie Horton ads were a lullaby compared to the riots, marauding thiefs and criminals Warnock is bringing to Georgia while videos stream. It’s not dog whistles here, it’s full on racist attack. It’s vile.
It’s so over the top, incessant and crazy that I have to assume it’s all just background noise now. Voters have to have tuned it out.


Please meet a few of our kids: From top to bottom Jacob Canyon, Joe Cascino in red, Sam Dennehy, and Jordan Villarreal.









More soon ….


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0 Comments to “Georgia on Our Minds”

  1. Chloe Bear says:

    Glenn and the team ROCK! Thank you for the update it made my morning.

  2. The Surly Professor says:

    Pass on our thanks and deep gratitude to the merry gang in Georgia. Tell them that no matter how things turn out there, they’ve done the Right Thing.

  3. Harry Eagar says:

    You’re throwing those guys in the deep end of the pool for their first swimming lesson. It’ll be something to tell their grandchildren about.

    The 1928 election in Georgia was one of the dirtiest in US history. This one sounds like it’s in that territory.

  4. Mary O'Grady says:

    Bravo to all of y’all!

  5. Glenn, thank you for what y’all are doing. And I know this is probably redundant, but please remind those kids every day to be careful, always stay paired up, and watch out for each other. You too.

  6. And those kids should be very careful as to who identifies themselves as cops. I’m old and I’ve seen at least one example of fake cops taking away a young man more than 60 years ago. Anyone can rent a copy uniforms or manufacture badges in the basement.

  7. True American Patriots all.
    Stay safe, the RWNJ lunatics are going to be at a fever pitch with all the stuff going on the next few months.

  8. Saw this yesterday:

    “Some 67,879 Georgians who did not vote in the general election have already voted in the runoff. A majority of them are voters of color. Incredibly, 40% are African American. These are not just new voters. Two thirds are over the age of 35.”

  9. Elizabeth Moon says:

    Very serious thoughts & prayers for these young persons, for their safety and their success both.

  10. john in denver says:

    should someone want to geek out … The US Elections Project has a page of Georgia Run-Off Election Early Voting Statistics:

    As of today… Among those who Did Not Vote in 2020 General

    79,601 Total Early Votes
    3.4 Freq. Distribution of Vote
    2,744,448 Registered Voters
    2.9 Turnout Rate
