Whose Touch?

December 28, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Brought to you by Nick Carraway.


King Midas is a cautionary tale from Greek mythology. It is something uniquely American that the “Midas touch” is considered to be something desired. Trump has been said to have the Midas touch, but maybe he has the Sterquilinus touch. That would be the Roman God of poop. Everything he touches turns to excrement. 

In the latest tale we get the associated story of the relief bill and spending bill that he was threatening to pocket veto. The strategy made no sense politically as it threatened to torpedo the GOP’s chance to win the run off elections in Georgia and just pissed off a majority of the country. One might imagine Wile E. Coyote blowing himself up to catch the road runner.

Trump reversed course and signed the bill yesterday but now is insisting Congress must go back and rework the deal. No one bothered to tell him that by signing it he was guaranteeing that wouldn’t happen. Perhaps he was mixing that up with the defense bill he did veto. It is so difficult to keep track of two different bills at the same time. Who can be expected to do that?

The clownish aspect of this is undercut by the fact that millions are suffering through unemployment, the failure of small businesses, a housing crisis, and food shortages for many families. It isn’t so much that 600 dollars is not enough. It is the fact that it is coming way too late for many people. Even the 2000 dollars now would likely be too late. The president’s actions were so see through that there were no clothes at all. 

It was never about 600 versus 2000 dollars. It was about somehow punishing Mitch McConnell for saying Biden won. So, Trump was willing to make millions suffer to make a point. The cruelty is certainly on display, but the idiocy can’t be ignored. What was the endgame supposed to be? How could they possibly spin it to be anything but what it was? The gambit made so little political sense because he has never had political sense. He doesn’t know how government works. You’d think he’d learn after nearly four years, but idiots never learn.”


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0 Comments to “Whose Touch?”

  1. Mike in MO says:

    May I suggest the lyrics to a huge hit by the Hollies, it fits perfectly. Well, 95 % perfectly, I doubt he gives a rat’s a**
    about his soul, and certainly not his reason,

    “King Midas In Reverse”

    If you could only see me
    I know exactly where I am
    You wouldn’t want to be me
    Oh, I can assure you of that

    I’m not the guy to run with
    ’cause I’ll throw you off the line
    I’ll break you and destroy you
    Given time

    He’s King Midas with a curse
    He’s King Midas in reverse
    He’s King Midas with a curse
    He’s King Midas in reverse

    It’s plain to see it’s hopeless
    Going on the way we are
    So even though I’d lose you
    You’d be better off by far

    He’s not the man to hold your trust
    Everything he touches turns to dust
    In his hands
    Nothing he can do is right
    He’d even like to sleep at night
    But he can’t

    All he touches turns to dust

    All he touches turns to dust

    All he touches turns to dust

    All he touches turns to dust

    I wish someone would find me
    And help me gain control
    Before I lose my reason
    And my soul

    He’s King Midas with a curse
    He’s King Midas in reverse
    He’s King Midas with a curse
    He’s King Midas in reverse

  2. Mike in MO says:

    I believe Graham Nash Wrote the song

  3. Trump doesn’t touch.
    He grabs.

  4. The original King Midas did have a curse. How are you going to eat when everything you touch turns to gold? And I’ll tell you why Trump vetoed the defense spending act. It had a shell company transparency provision. But I hope he doesn’t get away with it anyway. I understand southern district of New York has indictments that they will unseal on the 21st. There are going to be plays and operas about this. Not that it was worth going through

  5. Great story, Star Trek’s Scotty, James Doohan [RIP ’05], had his ashes smuggled up to the ISS; by a paying passenger.


    Now if I might suggest that when the massive loser DJT croaks [asap?] all his evil ashes go up there too. –Only to be quickly and unceremoniously flushed down the space commode out into space.
    So that he will no longer pollute our fair Earth in any way, shape, or form.
    Whoosh to the toosh.
    Sure it’d be expensive. I’d bet a fundraiser would be oversubscribed in microseconds.

  6. Elizabeth Moon says:

    Sandridge, Trump’s ashes don’t deserve the honor of being in the same near-earth orbit with James Doohan’s ashes. I don’t want them polluting my view of the stars OR my knowledge that Scotty’s “out there.”

    In an unmarked pauper’s grave down on the Mexican border would do…

  7. Sandridge @ 5:
    I don’t disagree with you much, but I do with this one. The way I see it, space is the future. F**king trump needs to be in the past. Although your toilet plan definitely has potential. I say take his ashes to the site of some confederate general’s statue demo job. Remove all Portacans but one. Empty said Portacan. Dump trump in the bottom. Then give the honeywagon service instructions to not empty it until they start getting death threats. That oughta provide his remains with exactly the level of dignity and respect they deserve. And I don’t know where they’ll end up, but it’ll be someplace already ALMOST as repugnant as he is. Without fouling the future.

  8. Dammit, Elizabeth Moon beat me to it. That’s what I get for being long winded. I like my idea better, but I’ll admit hers is definitely classier.

  9. Trump’s ashes? There’s gotta be concrete being poured for a sewage treatment plant somewhere.

  10. Talking about Trump’s ashes asumes an organized creamation. Considering the people he’s borrowed money from, he may end up next to Jimmy Hoffa.

  11. el lagarto says:

    Nah, that’s not it. Sewage treatment plants serve a useful purpose.

  12. Don A in Pennsyltucky says:

    Trump will not be cremated. He will be buried under a YUGE monument. Not unlike FDR who is buried beneath a hunk of marble which, as my Uncle Richard used to say, was to keep him down lest he run for President again.

  13. Sandridge, while I understand your sentiment of removing Trump far from earth I’m with Elizabeth. He doesn’t deserve to be thrust among the stars. That would be the ultimate insult to us. A simple marker at a sewage treatment plant would suffice, perhaps a nice sign stating “please pour your urine here” would be helpful. Other excrement would have appropriate signage and processing. Even that is more than he deserves but it would be a kindness to the plant workers.

  14. The Surly Professor says:

    I think that hitting back at McConnell was a secondary goal. The primary one is what it has always been: to be in the spotlight, to make sure that people are talking about Trump, and that the TV news keeps his name and picture on the tube.

    In other words, he’s an attention whore who cannot go a day without getting his fix. All the rest of it, the political impact includes is secondary.

    Let’s cut off his oxygen, and treat him like the turd in the punch bowl that he is. Nobody talks about it, and definitely nobody drinks from it.

  15. OK, Y’all get it, with even better ideas.
    A pig farm waste holding pond would be too good for the SOB.
    He’ll undoubtedly have a monumental crypt built by his devoted minions. As long as it has a moat around it for all those that want to piss in it.

  16. Space, waste treatment and mote-surrounded crypts all deprive me – and I suspect millions – of the one thing I (we) truly want, and that is to piss directly ON his grave. That would be my golden shower for him and I don’t care who films me doing it!

  17. Nick Carraway says:

    I’m not sure where we got to cremation. Maybe a Viking funeral might be appropriate considering his love for that region of the world.

  18. Nick @ 17:
    Speaking only for myself, what’s appropriate for the Weasel Headed F**knuggett is the furthest thing I could possibly imagine from what he’d want. The burn-his-repugnantly-putrid-ass-to-ashes bit was just kinda fun, in a warm fuzzy feeling sort of way.

  19. Also, besides borrowing Sandridge’s idea, it’s the only way to get the ferret wearing shitgibbon through the seat and into the bottom of the porta potty for the rest of the plan to work.

  20. Nick Carraway says:

    Not to get overly philosophical, metaphysical, or religious but I learned an important lesson earlier in life when a friend and I had a falling out. I stewed for months over what he had done to me. This has happened on multiple occasions with multiple different people. It hot to the point where I would fantasize about the misfortune that might befall them. The concept of forgiveness might be mostly religious and might seem mostly about he/she being forgiven but it’s actually more for the one doing the forgiving. When I let go those guys held no more power over me. We never were friends again but I stopped obsessing over what they had done. It doesn’t happen over night and it doesn’t mean the relationship gets repaired. It just means the further we get away from 1/20/21 the less I want to think about him. I won’t root for death. I will root for justice.
