George Will: The Original White Guy

December 27, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

George Will has things figured out.

This country HAS to have voter ID because of, well, you know … Hitler.

George Will: Have White, Will Opine

No, I am not kidding you.

Will begins by arguing that national registration will lead to mandatory voting.  He doesn’t explain how that will happen except to note that Democrats love government.  Democrats also love fried okra but that hasn’t led to mandatory okra consumption.   Well, at least outside the south.

Then he claims that people don’t vote because they are content.  Happy.  Comfortable.  He doesn’t explain how that happened in a bad economy.  Maybe that hasn’t trickled up to Will’s income level.

Next Will gives his second batcrap crazy point.

Second, the stakes of politics are agreeably low because constitutional rights and other essential elements of happiness are not menaced by elections. Those who think high voter turnout indicates civic health should note that in three German elections, 1932-33, turnout averaged more than 86 percent, reflecting the terrible stakes: The elections decided which mobs would rule the streets and who would inhabit concentration camps.

Yeah, Hitler.  You just let anybody vote and then that just encourages them and they elect Hitler.

Will doesn’t opine on whether that would be an improvement over who we did elect, but I’d be willing to bet one set of golf clubs and pleated khaki pants that he probably does.

Look, I know all white guys aren’t bad.  Hell, I married one and gave birth to three of them.  But I still think they should have to pass a reality tests before they can vote.

Thanks to Aggieland Liz for the heads up.

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