And the Beat Goes On

September 15, 2021 By: Nick Carraway Category: Uncategorized

When we were kids, we often played a game where we took everything liquid in the fridge and combined it into one cocktail. The whole idea was to dare each other to see how much anyone could consume without losing their lunch. These activities were usually connected to a game of truth or dare and everything was in good fun until our gag reflexes kicked in.

Apparently, the anti-vax community is doing the same thing with drugs. The Ivermectin treatment is so yesterday. There is a new experiment sweeping the land. None of us seriously thought we would die when we consumed a combination of milk, juice, ketchup, mustard, egg, and chocolate syrup. Most of us also abandoned that sort of behavior when we reached adolescence. I suppose the mere prospect of digestive pyrotechnics and the chortles from most Americans wasn’t quite enough.

Irony may officially be dead. It’s dying along with the hundreds of fools that put a bunch of random crap into their body in lieu of an FDA approved vaccine. Therefore, we reach the conundrum of a dying age: are these deaths COVID related or do we simply classify them as “death by idiocy?” Inquiring minds want to know.

It falls back into what I discussed last week. We will call this “the experts vs. Uncle Sal”. Yes, I know most of us don’t have an uncle named Sal. Sal will represent the person in our family or circle of friends that really isn’t an expert on anything, but people seem to listen to for whatever reason. He projects confidence. It just seems like he knows. He’s “done his research.” Yet, as people around here know, Sal is full of crap. The rest of us just see Sal as entertainment. Unfortunately, some are putting their lives in Sal’s hands.

See, what all of these imbeciles fail to realize is that none of them had heard of Ivermectin or any of these drugs. So, when they say they aren’t sheep and they don’t blindly follow anyone they fail to make the connection. SOMEONE told them about these drugs. SOMEONE told them they would cure or block the Covid. SOMEONE told them they would be perfectly safe. So, it isn’t really a question of whether we choose to follow, but who or what we choose to follow. Are we going to listen to the experts or Uncle Sal? Our very lives may depend on the answer to that question.

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0 Comments to “And the Beat Goes On”

  1. Laundry detergent pods, anyone? The sorriest statistic is that the whacky diversions into ‘medicine’ by the Qcumber covidiots have not decreased the number of hold my beer gun deaths.

    As the Qcumbers commit slow suicide by Covid one might hope there would finally be a slowing in ‘accidental’ gun Darwinism.

  2. If some right wing influencer started saying that eating wild mushrooms cured Covid, the MAGA crowd would start going out and eating the first toadstools they saw.

    Weird on how they are so intent on finding the “one weird trick” to cure Covid, rather than simply get the vaccine.

  3. There was a guy CNN interviewed recently who lived in a Covid hotspot in Missouri. He admitted he was being “bullheaded” about not getting the vaccine. It was only with some prompting from his friends that he said his reason was credit for the vaccine had been taken from “his president, Trump.” He was convinced that Trump would have been reelected if the vaccine had come out before election day and that it had been purposefully withheld to deny him that. Ergo, he wasn’t going to get vaccinated. The reporters told him that at the rally in Alabama Trump had encouraged his followers to get vaccinated. He said he did not know about that. So this man is essentially biting off his nose to spite his face. Freedom! And this after his friend’s wife had recently died of Covid.

  4. publius bolonius says:

    To all Covidiots, Qcumbers, assorted Trump Flying Monkeys and others wishing to die for Trump: Could you just please get on with it, already?!

  5. NEVER underestimate the power-breath-depth of human st00pidity!!!!

  6. Ivermectin with unintended consequences. This is seriously funny…

  7. My give a s*** factor is zero for those brain dead and other dead morons

  8. publius bolonius @ 4 totally! Have they yet to awake to the fact that neither Hilz nor Obama took their precious gunz? One would think given the choice of slowly drowning in their own snot being (((shudder))) treated by people of the fact and science persuasion they’d flee those ICU beds and demonstrate a modicum of self respect …

    Or, being from the survivalist “we got this” camp, they’d not be laying around in ICU where more than likely those science & fact commies are loading them up with the dreaded Bill Gates transmitters with every shot and bottle of IV solutions.

  9. Funny you should mention “Uncle Sal”. The Cranky Uncle app, designed to help respond to climate deniers, is really useful training for spotting the various types of fake arguments. After a career in science education I learned quite a bit using it

  10. Jane & PKM: I remember hearing it in 1992: If Bill Clinton is elected, they’re gonna come and take your guns away.

    Idiots never learn.

  11. Grandma Ada says:

    After reading about Nicki Minaj’s tweet, these crazy ideas and imagined consequences are getting ridiculous!

  12. The Surly Professor says:

    From Kaiser Foundation via Forbes:

    “Unvaccinated adults hospitalized with Covid-19 cost the American health system at least $2.3 billion in June and July this year, according to research by the Kaiser Family Foundation, most of which will be borne by society as a whole and not by the unvaccinated patients.”

    For the full story:—and-theyre-not-the-ones-paying-for-it/?sh=39364533df68

    This does not count the cost of kids with burst appendix, or people with heart attacks, who cannot get into an ICU or even emergency room because they are clogged with the covidiots.

  13. The Surly Professor says:

    … and to append to my last note: including August, the Kaiser report shows $5.8 billion wasted on the people who could have been vaccinated, but chose not to.

  14. What we should call it is “Suicide by Covid”.

  15. Surly Professor @12 from your link much appreciated. But should that have been Kaiser Foundation versus Forbes?

    Suspect that Forbes distorted and/or spun the Kaiser data. Read the article twice to ‘see’ how I could get past this piece of obvious misinformation: “These preventable hospitalizations cost the U.S. healthcare system around $2.3 billion, the Kaiser report said, based on an average Covid-19 hospitalization costing around $20,000.”

    $20,000? For a hospitalization? Please. I’ll hold YOUR beer, and you try it. And please nothing too serious maybe just a little wrist fracture or ankle; no “stay” aka hospitalization, just in/out and a referral to an ortho for the real work. (and another bill)

  16. The Surly Professor says:

    The direct link to the Kaiser report is at

    and I should have posted that instead of the Forbes article. Their $20k estimate is in the fourth paragraph, also showing how they got those numbers. I have not been hospitalized for many years, when I had a seizure in the middle of class (or as my students so delicately put it, “you really spazzed out”). The Kaiser numbers are based on Medicare, Medicaid, and “pre-pandemic private insurance claims for pneumonia hospitalizations with complications”. So yeah, those are probably closer to lower bounds and don’t include a week’s worth of intubation with all the trimmings.

    In any case, these conspiracy and anti-vax bozos are stressing not just the health care providers, but the financial system underlying the whole damned thing.

  17. thatotherjean says:

    Ivermectin is so last week. This week’s medication of choice appears to be Betadine–that brown stuff nurses swab on your abdomen before the surgeon makes his first cut, to prevent infection. Covidiots might as well drink bleach. Taken internally, Betadine can kill you. It’s mostly iodine.
