Fun With Guns: Thick Skin Edition

May 10, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Florida, y’all.

So this guy in Florida was cleaning his gun and he stood up, feeling a sharp pain in his back that threw him down against a glass coffee table.  He says he thought he’d thrown out his back because he felt a lot of pain.  He heard a gunshot but couldn’t find any bullets.  He took some “back medicine” and forgot all about it.

For two days, Blevins went about his business as normal.

It was on the third day that Blevins took off his shirt. The shirt was black, a long-sleeved one, the kind that hides blood stains from bullet wounds should one ever shoot one’s self by accident, the newspaper reported.

Then he put on a light brown shirt, noticed his own blood and found the injury: Blevins could see where the bullet entered his left arm and where it exited, according to the News-Journal. It had cauterized, deputies later recounted, and was barely bleeding.

Okay, first off, this is a lesson.  Please change your shirt more than once every three days.  And shower every now and then, even if you live in Florida where everything stinks.

(Blevins later told deputies that his back medicine possibly numbed him from feeling pain from the accident, even pain from a bullet wound, the News-Journal reported.)

Second off, where the hell can I get some of that back medicine?

Thanks to Paul for the heads up.


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