Fun With Guns: Shoot Me or Insult Me, But Please Not Both

July 16, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, in Virginia a man “accidentally” shot a woman in the forearm.

Douglas Ward originally was charged with misdemeanor reckless handling of a firearm. The charge was upgraded last week to felony charges of unlawful wounding and unlawful shooting at a building.

The shooting occurred on June 6. Ward told police that he was attempting to shoot a rabid raccoon.

Okay, it’s bad enough that you shoot her.  But the whole mistaken identity of a rabid raccoon was completely unnecessary.



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0 Comments to “Fun With Guns: Shoot Me or Insult Me, But Please Not Both”

  1. lunargent says:

    Too much eyeliner?

  2. Hollyanna says:

    Was he insulting her eye make-up?

  3. grammy97 says:

    How did he know the creature had rabies? Had he bitten it?

  4. Corinne Sabo says:

    What animal would I be?

  5. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Country boys sure have a way with the wimmin folks.

  6. Hey, it doesn’t take much deep thought to come up with several Rep women that could pass as polecats but the title Raccoon belongs to Tammy Faye Baker and always will.

  7. UmptyDump says:

    With all due respect about the raccoon thing, I’m not so sure we can jump to conclusions. Has anybody seen a photo of the victim?

  8. JAKvirginia says:

    OMG! And this story comes via The Washington Times. A newspaper so far to the right you have to tilt your head to read it. Figures.

  9. The Only Thing That Can Stop A Bad Raccoon Without A Gun, Is A Good Man With A Gun!

    Unless, of course, he shoots an innocent bystander instead.

  10. Wa Skeptic says:

    There needs to be more serious felony charges for these ridiculous and gratuitous weapons discharges. Put the shooters in jail and remove them from ever owning a weapon again. That might make a few people rethink their dedication to using a weapon as an answer to every question.

  11. What was this guy’s breathalyzer result? I know raccoons. One considered themselves a friend of mine and lived in my attic with her racoonettes. This woman was no raccoon. Sight unseen I can tell that.

    Frankly I’m surprised he didn’t say that he thought he saw Bigfoot!

  12. Zyxomma says:

    At least he’s charged with two felonies.

  13. Elizabeth Moon says:

    Forget breathalyzer…was his eyesight tested?

    I think it was attempted murder but he was a lousy shot.

  14. Forgivest thou me! I just read the entire Scalia decision on the 2nd Amendment case that SCOTUS did some time ago. He actually said that not everyone should have a weapon, that the 2nd Amendment has limitations. (Moreover, that there have been over time TWO versions of the amendment and both are worth comparing.) In sum, all those yahoos out there that swear God gave them the right to stockpile everything from a slingshot to an Atom bomb – and open carry – are wrong. They’ve never read the entire decision. And for that matter, neither have way too many judges, lawyers and cops!

  15. Robin Frazier says:

    Someone needs to tell him the Racoon defense doesn’t work if you hit a person. Just too much size discrepancy.
