Before You Buy Lunch

July 16, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I just wanted you to know that

Fox News radio host Todd Starnes dubbed Chick-fil-A “the official chicken of Jesus” in a fiery tirade against same-sex marriage over the weekend.

starnesolyStarnes is frighteningly over concerned with gay people, and sees marriage equality as “an attack on religious liberty.”

Yes, indeed, a little known law of physics is that lessening other people’s liberty, you increase your own.

Thanks to Vickie for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Before You Buy Lunch”

  1. Marriage equality is, in fact, an attack on the Abrahamaic religions, where women are required to be submissive and subservient to men. Marriage between to women or two men confuses and frightens these idiots, because there is no woman to be a lesser human to a man. Gay marriage is such a threat because it threatens male superiority. And they will defend that privilege to the death. Much the same way that Southern White people are still defending their belief in their innate right to subjugate black people.

  2. Larry from Colorado says:

    Will he come out of the closet soon?

  3. lunargent says:

    “The Official Chicken of Jesus”???

    Sorry – I got nuthin’.

    I would like to see some proof, however. Maybe JC’s signature on the endorsement deal?

  4. Fred Farklestone says:

    Visualize this, Toodles and Steve Doocy in a steamy love scene!

  5. Elizabeth Moon says:

    The notion that Chick-fil-A is “the official chicken of Jesus” is what has me here. I don’t go to Chick-fil-A anymore because of their bigotry, but although I can imagine Jesus going in there to preach to them, I can’t imagine Jesus nominating an “official chicken” in the modern fast-food world. He never declared an “official fish” for feeding the multitude, or an “official bread recipe.”

    I will agree that Tod Starnes, even to my aged eyes, does kind of tweak the gaydar.

  6. Hollyanna says:

    Were I not already boycotting Chick-Fil-A, this would be the best impetus to start doing so. How sad to reduce the savior to a mere shill for lousy chicken sold to enrich a religious bigot.

  7. BegoniaBuzzkill says:

    Curious minds like to know …are we now to assume those chicken sandwiches are inspected by Rabbis Kosher? Jeebus, both his dads & mom = strict Orthodox Jewish folk.

  8. Todd Starnes appears to have done his homework here folks. I’ve checked their menu and Chic-Fil-A has at least two menu items that Jesus and his disciples could have ordered for an affordable lunch:

    Chilled Grilled Chicken Sub Sandwich Tray – 12 delicious mini sub sandwiches
    the Grilled Chicken Cool Wrap and Chicken Salad Sandwich Tray – 14 wraps & sandwiches for when Jesus himself is hungry, and Mary drops by.

  9. Corinne Sabo says:

    Does Jesus also have an official hamburger? Inquiring minds want to know!

  10. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    When nailing a man to a cross just won’t do, blame him for the lousy chicken.

  11. UmptyDump says:

    I swear I was in there a while back and saw the image of Jesus on a bun.

  12. “They may try to shut down our bakeries. .” Now there’s a rallying battle cry if I ever heard one. “You may take our bear claws but you can’t take away our freedom! ” (Picture Mel Gibson in your mind. )

  13. I always thought Jesus was more of a fish kind of guy.

  14. Marion (formerly known as MM) says:

    This is making me want Jesus to come back to life.

  15. AliceBeth says:

    Again, never trust anyone who says they speak for Jesus or for God. But if either came down to speak to someone, I doubt it would be to recommend chicken or any other fast food. I suspect there are more important issues to address. But I could be wrong.

  16. Marcia in CO says:

    Look at that picture … I think you discovered the rabid raccoon of the previous story!! Evidently rabid raccoons can slither!!

    I have never been to a Chick-Fil-A and never will go to one!

  17. Mark J Nailed it. If there are no gender roles, there is no patriarchy. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. Would you happen to know what the official tequila of Jesus is?

  18. We need a new version of a photo I saw: a bunch of rwnjs protesting some perfectly rational thing, and in the midst of them a bearded guy dressed like Jesus, holding up a big sign that says, “I’m not with these people.” Even the cop was smiling.

  19. Sam in San Antonio says:

    When I think of the “Official chicken of Jesus” Abbott and Dan Patrick come to mind.

  20. Big Mike says:

    I’ll have the King Solomon Special: 700 wives with 300 concubines on the side.

  21. P.J. O’Rourke once said that a certain person had a smile of hate.

    Todd Starnes has a smile of hate.

  22. That is very strange because I could swear Jesus told me to boycott Chick-Fil-A many years ago because each piece of their chicken has a month’s recommended amount of sodium. The chicken is soaked in salt water to make it tender and more flavorful. I understand if you don’t have any teeth it’s easy to eat, but I don’t know if that is true. Didn’t Jesus have teeth?

  23. Wa Skeptic says:

    Don’t leave this creepy guy alone with any kindergarteners.

  24. God! There they go again, the RWNJs using Jesus like a rented mule! Hell fire for sure, everyone of them!

  25. Zyxomma says:

    I can’t speak for Jesus, but he was a member of my tribe: Jewish (although that gets a little complicated, because I’m sort of an agnostic mystic). The menus at Chick-Fil-A, where I’ve never eaten and never will, feature at least one sandwich with both bacon and cheese on top of what I assume is chicken.

    If there really was a Jesus (I assume there was at least one), he wouldn’t eat there.

    Patriarchy stinks.

  26. I’ve been boycotting Chick- Fil- A for years and will continue to do so.

  27. Elise Von Holten says:

    I too am a member of the Jewish agnostic mystic club–the mystic part is the only really clear part, since I was raised in the closest thing to Southern Baptist (my childhood church broke away from them because they were too lenient) and when I found out I had Jewish roots (it’s complicated) then I was at the Tomb of the Patriarchs in Hebron and God spoke to me and gave me my Jewish name…bit complicated.
    But this guy reminds me of all the “visiting preachers” that ever came to my church–nasty human beings, that often wanted to sleep with my young (fallen woman) pretty, divorced mom. Confusing to have these old, fat, married men asking if my mother needed “special prayers” while they were in town…gross and she didn’t–ever, that I knew of–so the evening service on Sunday night would be even more full of the need for divorcees to repent, full of the punishment for the wicked, sour grapes I guess. When the sons of the churchmen thought I was fair game because–“divorcee’s” daughter–I left that church and didn’t darken the doorstep of Xianity again. Then I found out I was Jewish. So it’s been interesting. Not fun. I have been boycotting this place for many years, don’t eat that much fast food in general. Wouldn’t eat at chick-fil if it was free–on my limited income–that’s really telling!

  28. lunargent says:

    It’s too bad, ‘cuz I actually think the sandwich is pretty good. But I prefer my fast food without all that fundamentalist baggage on the side.

  29. That Other Jean says:

    “(by) lessening other people’s liberty, you increase your own.”

    Unfortunately, this “life as a zero-sum game” is a widespread RWNJ belief. If I let you have some, there won’t be enough left for ME! All that stuff in the New Testament about love zips right over their heads.

    And I’m pretty certain that Jesus didn’t endorse a particular fast-food chicken.

  30. Marge Wood says:

    OfficiaL chicken? LAUGHING. I gotta go read some more dumb novel.
