Fun With Guns: North Carolina Roulette Edition
I have come to believe that whoever said that more guns make us all safer has never been to a gun show or a firing range. Hellfire, people are always getting accidentally shot there. This week there was one in Idaho, but the best one was in North Carolina.
There is a guy name William Daniel Glosson went to a gun show in North Carolina, where he purchased two guns.
Glosson, who has a concealed-carry permit, handed one of the unloaded guns to Lasonya Judd, who was sitting in the back seat, and he also handed her a loaded gun he already had in the truck. As Judd was looking at the guns, she accidentally fired one, and the bullet struck Alyssa Lewis Glosson, 29, in the back of the head while she was sitting in the truck’s passenger seat.
Alyssa Lewis Glosson is the wife of William Daniel Glosson.
It appeared to the police that the bullet struck the head rest first so it didn’t kill her, but it probably pissed her off real good. And more than likely raised some questions about the accidentalness of the whole deal.
The shooting on Saturday is the second accidental shooting at the same gun show in the last three years. In 2013, a 12-gauge shotgun discharged while its owner removed it from its case at a security checkpoint at the entrance to the show, according to previous reports.
Two people were shot in the incident—one in the hand and the other in the right torso.
Harrison said hopefully a lesson can come from the incident.
“Don’t be handling a loaded firearm unless you know what you’re doing,” he said.
Either that’s the unluckiest gun show on the planet or  Lasonya knew exactly what she was doing.