When Mark Sanford Calls You Crazy

November 21, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, so I’m just saying that when your crazy limbo bar is two inches lower than Mark’s Sanford’s …

“In campaign world, rapid response is vital. In governance, it can be lethal if it’s in reaction to things small and unimportant. It just strikes me as crazy that the soon-to-be leader of the free world would be waking up each morning this weekend and tweeting comments about what someone said at a play in New York.”

Governor/Congressman/Hiker Mark Sanford’s Facebook page.


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0 Comments to “When Mark Sanford Calls You Crazy”

  1. Larry from Coloardo says:

    There’s a Bible verse he would not be familiar with if he thinks one of the Bible books is Two Timothy.
    “If you cannot control your anger, you are as helpless as a city without walls, open to attack.”
    Proverbs 25:28 (TEV)

  2. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Now he speaks? Sorry Mark, too little too late. Hilz nailed Donnie months ago: “A man who can be provoked by a tweet should not be anywhere near the nuclear codes.”

    The buyer’s remorse being displayed by the snacilbupeR is astounding. Really guys, “pivot” is a term best applied to basketball. Expecting a geriatric man-child to ‘evolve’ or pivot to presidential levels at this late date is insane. He’s your fossil, etched in concrete. Own it.

  3. I look forward to the opening of the next Star Wars movie. I expect Trump cohort Steve Bannon will jump on the twitter-verse complaining Darth Vader’s actions are completely misrepresented – – his darkness and power does not necessarily mean he’s as evil as they make him out to be.

  4. JAKvirginia says:

    Mark Sanford: Another Republican who has difficulties with the truth. Hey, Mark! How’s your “soulmate”? Married her yet?

    Y’know what the BIGGEST problem is with these jerks? They just can’t seem to grasp when to shut up and go away.

  5. OH, fer Pete’s sale! Sanford? The guy who couldn’t find his way on the Appalachian Trail and ended up in Argentina? Give to me a break!

  6. Funny how we don’t hear about Trump’s many conflicts of interest in these Facebook entries and/or Tweets.

  7. I’m guessing he’s irked, because it doesn’t appear he’s in line for a cabinet position. Secretary of the Interior would, I think, be perfectly appropriate. the question would then be, whose interior, exactly?

    this is shaping up to be a reprise of Richard III, or Lear, take your pick.

  8. A glimmer of light shines in his darkness…who’da guessed? I agree, too little too late.

  9. Be careful, y’all. That glimmer of light of which you speak might be, worst case, the headlamp of an on-coming locomotive. Or maybe the bobbing headlamp of a lost his way hiker trying to connect the Appalachians to Argentina.

  10. I think it’s a flashlight on the other side of Donnie’s head.

    I was just wondering how the histories about this are going to read. Not well, I think.

  11. L'Angelomisterioso says:

    @JAKvirginia#4- One should not expect too much of snacilbupeRs when it comes to adherence to the truth or governance since in neither area do they seem to have much interest in, or capacity for the good practice thereof. As far as governance goes dRUMPf is about to demonstrate even further they much prefer ruling to actually governing.

  12. Did anyone see SNL? It was hilarious. The opening was the Cheetoh-faced Ferret-wearing Shitgibbon Cocksplat with Pinch in the oval office. The p-elect is a mess as it dawns on him just what he’s gotten himself into. The real CFSC didn’t like that either and tweeted about how terrible the show is, unfair, yadda yadda. Our toddler pres has a Peter Pan thing going on: “I won’t grow up!”

  13. @Debbo
    Yep my little bride watched SNL while I was slaving over a hot server install Sat night and she has not stopped talking about how the soon to be leader of the free world, 70-year old Donald Trump tweeted after the show how unfair it was to make fun of him so. Ain’t fair. Ain’t fair. Ain’t fair. Ain’t fair. Ain’t fair. Ain’t fair. Ain’t fair. Ain’t fair. Ain’t fair. Ain’t fair. Ain’t fair. Ain’t fair. Ain’t fair. Ain’t fair. Ain’t fair. Ain’t fair. Wow what a whiny little shit he is. Victimized by the bullies at SNL. The Ruskys, the NKoreans, the Iranians, ISIS, etc etc must be laughing their collective asses off a what a pu$$y he is.

  14. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Debbo, we saw that. Kate is the best! Great mockery of Kellyanne.

    For those who missed SNL:


  15. Of all the people in the nation, the president is the LEAST protected from other people’s speech. If no one shot that memo off to Trump back when he began running, he should have figured it out all on his own by the actions he engaged in throughout the tenure of the current occupant of the White House.
    Exactly how many enraged tweets did President Obama respond with?
    Yeah, that’s what I thought.

    And then there’s my favorite of the recent memes addressing this matter:
    A photo of Abraham Lincoln.
    Caption — “Oh. Someone booed you at a play? My deepest condolences.”

  16. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    “No Trump, No KKK, No Fascist USA! No Trump, No KKK, No Fascist USA! No Trump, No KKK, No Fascist USA!” h/t to Green day

    If that, SNL and Mike being booed offends you, BLOTUS, try this for TLOTUS: deport her now, deport her now, deport her now.

  17. Has anybody figured out yet that Melania isn’t really staying in New York because of the boy? that this is the beginning of a flat out separation? I warned all them damg evangelicals and funds that this would happen. Did they listen? Hell, no. To distracted by waiting for the flippin’ rapture! And it can’t come soon enough!

  18. @maggie
    There is NOTHING about evangelicals that doesn’t drive me crazy.

    Necessity to be “born again”? WTF does that mean?
    Rapture? WTF does that mean?

    And so on… these knuckleheads just drive me crazy

  19. JAKvirginia says:

    @Micr: “…what a pu$$y he is.” Yes… which means he can grab himself!

  20. @JAK

    Thankya thankya varymuch.

  21. For what it’s worth, imho, the five most important presidents are
    1. Andrew Jackson,
    2. John F Kennedy
    3. John Quincy Adams
    4. George Washington
    5. T Roosevelt

    Donald Trump endangers no one’s position on that historical importance list.

  22. Micr- What? No FDR?! C’mon, he did create a few noteworthy changes in the ole US of A.

  23. @Debbo

    I was thinking in terms of presidents who were game changers and disruptions. Presidents who refused to be deterred from recreating the Presidency and the American nation.

  24. elise from CA says:

    “Leader of the feral world”

    (with apologies to feral cats everywhere).

  25. Well, Jackson was great at genocide and cratering the economy …
