Fun With Guns: “Get Used To It, Mom” Edition

April 27, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Well, drat and druthers, we’ve come to the point in Texas where people with guns will threaten you for reporting people with guns.

The Open Carry Cadets are now threatening to expose the name and personal information of anybody calling 911 to report anyone carrying a weapon in a threatening manner.

A new tactic in the battle to loosen Texas gun laws has some police worried.

Some proponents of open carry of firearms vow to publicly identify 911 callers who complain about armed demonstrations.

Arlington Police Lieutenant Chris Cook said residents should not feel too intimidated to report people carrying guns in public places.

“Let us determine what is lawful or unlawful,” Lt. Cook said Friday.

Hummmm … let the police decide.  Now that’s a rare idea.

Proposed "good guy" hat

Proposed “good guy” hat

How how am I supposed to tell the difference between a good guy carrying a rifle and a bad guy carrying a rifle?  Can we make a rule that good guys wear purple frilly hats and the bad guys wear anything else?  I think that would work.  After all, I need some indication of whether a gun nut is really a gun nut or just a man with a small winkie.  The hat will make that clear.

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