Fun With Guns: “Get Used To It, Mom” Edition

April 27, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Well, drat and druthers, we’ve come to the point in Texas where people with guns will threaten you for reporting people with guns.

The Open Carry Cadets are now threatening to expose the name and personal information of anybody calling 911 to report anyone carrying a weapon in a threatening manner.

A new tactic in the battle to loosen Texas gun laws has some police worried.

Some proponents of open carry of firearms vow to publicly identify 911 callers who complain about armed demonstrations.

Arlington Police Lieutenant Chris Cook said residents should not feel too intimidated to report people carrying guns in public places.

“Let us determine what is lawful or unlawful,” Lt. Cook said Friday.

Hummmm … let the police decide.  Now that’s a rare idea.

Proposed "good guy" hat

Proposed “good guy” hat

How how am I supposed to tell the difference between a good guy carrying a rifle and a bad guy carrying a rifle?  Can we make a rule that good guys wear purple frilly hats and the bad guys wear anything else?  I think that would work.  After all, I need some indication of whether a gun nut is really a gun nut or just a man with a small winkie.  The hat will make that clear.

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0 Comments to “Fun With Guns: “Get Used To It, Mom” Edition”

  1. UmptyDump says:

    And just what follows after these supposed 911 callers are publicly identified? Retribution? With a gun, perhaps? How can we interpret this statement by a member of Open Carry Tarrant County as anything but an implied, menacing threat in and of itself – to anybody who feels sufficiently alarmed about them to call 911?

  2. RepubAnon says:

    It’s getting more and more difficult to distinguish between the Open Carry folks and any other street gang using the threat of violence to intimidate their neighbors.

  3. VintageMomma says:

    So a 911 call is public record? Didn’t know that.

    Love the hat.

  4. UmptyDump says:

    … And I made my previous comment before following JJ’s link and watching the newscast. We all need to watch it. It reports that one unfortunate 911 caller in Plano was already publicly identified and subsequently disconnected her phone.

  5. maryelle says:

    As I understand it, Texas is NOT an open carry state. WTF are these “gun parades” doing?
    Breaking the law. That qualifies for a 911 call.

  6. The hat may make it clear, but walking around in tighty whiteys will make it more clear.

  7. Ralph Wiggam says:

    They got nuts in their belfry and bats in their fruitcake. Or something like that.

    I have never seen a gun carried openly or otherwise that would prevent someone taking the first shot. And if you are openly carrying a gun, that first shot will be at YOU!

  8. This reinforces my feeling that people who feel the need to carry a gun wherever they go are the last people who should be allowed to do so. Apparently to them everybody is the Enemy.

    Glad I live in Maryland, and making a list of states where not to go.

  9. They should be reminded that harassment laws are still on the books.

  10. Yes! Maybe we can look forward to a day when all criminals in Texas decide to threaten the people who call 911 about their activities.

    Report a bank robbery in progress? Expect your house to be next.

    Call in about illegal drug sales? Your medicine cabinet is on their list.

    Domestic violence? What’s good for the wife is good for the neighbor.

  11. 1smartcanerican says:

    How does one of these gun nuts get the 911 information to post it anyway? I always thought that 911 was privileged information, but it appears that I am wrong.

  12. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Scary stuff. Those idiots need to study some history. What started as the Wandervogel, an innocent populist movement for hiking, nature and freedom morphed in the Hitler Youth. The Open Carry Cadets have a similar idea of ‘freedom.’ Domestic terrorists, indeed.

    Domestic terrorists for free-dumb.

  13. You want to know how to tell the difference between a good guy carrying a rifle and a bad guy carrying a rifle? (Which, of course, gets harder once the shootin’ starts and everybody gets all upset.)

    Perhaps the best tactic is for the police to just shoot them all and let God sort it out.

  14. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Your plan might work in some states where the cops are the “good” guys, LynnN. But I can name three states, CA, IL & NY where the poo-lice are to quick to shoot unarmed citizens, innocent children with toy guns, and harmless dogs. Shoot first, ask questions later isn’t working for some folks.

  15. e platypus onion says:

    More and more it comes down to “winkie” size. These big,tough,sweaty,macho , he-men Texans strut around with the latest high tech,human slaughtering weapons and yet their fragile psyches can’t handle the fact someone calls 911 and reports them. Next,they’ll have to start offing offenders as a form of intimidation and wingnut pols in Texas will probably legalize it.

  16. (a) If 911 calls are made public, with names and addresses, if it’s not a crime it should be.

    (b) I agree with RepubAnon….
    It’s getting more and more difficult to distinguish between the Open Carry folks and any other street gang using the threat of violence to intimidate their neighbors.

    They are all thugs.

  17. Anyone who threatens somebody over calling 911 on an open carry automatically gets their mortgage sold to China!!! And if they want to do something about it, they damn well better hurry up and learn Mandarin!

  18. Marge Wood says:

    How about you buy a case of those purple hats and we can buy them at cost to hand out at Open Cadets meetings? and I just googled “are 911 calls public record in Texas”. Good grief.

  19. Unfortunately, this is where we are:

    Grown men are scaring the bejeebers out of parents, and kids, with guns…… Little League Ball Parks…….



  20. Angelo_Frank says:

    “Roughly 25 men and women armed with shotguns and rifles could be seen taking a stroll down Sherwood Way Saturday morning, bearing banners emblazoned with OCT, or Open Carry Texas.”

    The San Angelo Standard-Times devoted half their Sunday edition front page to this gigantic turnout complete with a huge photo.

  21. Angelo_Frank says:

    Former Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum on Sunday asserted that Americans were safer with more guns everywhere — including airports and at home.

    Last week, Georgia Gov. Nathan Deal (R) signed signed the so-called “guns everywhere” law, allowing firearms to be carried in schools, bars, churches and government buildings.

  22. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    OK Now it’s time for these yahoos to pick a number. How many is too many of them shooting themselves and others? When they achieve that number, they have to lay down their pseudo pricks.

  23. donquijoterocket says:

    reporting is apparently not one of those extant laws the gunhumpers want enforced instead of adding new ones.Some person parading around with a weapon and advertising it because they can will someday run into the wrong person who’ll take their genital enhancer away from them because they can and use it to perform an ad hoc and impromptu colonoscopy.

  24. Elise Von Holten says:

    Maybe, well it terrifies me in a different way, maybe if you are going to open carry, you should be required to wear chaps–only chaps, or pants with the front cut out, a “reverse codpiece”, so that all of us who are just out for a cup of coffee or a burger at the DQ can see why one needs such a big gun. That requirement would separate the “men from the boys”, so to speak and we can finally gets some answers to some age old questions of compensating…styles come and styles go, bra stuffing is a time honored tradition (in the dark, all cats being gray) and stuffed cod pieces had their time…so maybe it’s not the guns that need hanging out, but other bits…just saying–I’ve seen more of human bodies than most, so they have lost all of the “forbidden fruit” aspects…and that is not the way I would measure attractiveness ( a man holding a newborn child is the most sexually attractive thing I have ever seen) and it might solve the macho problem for good…

  25. Don A in Pennsyltucky says:

    Don’t be dissing purple with purple hats! Purple is a great color.

  26. I have a huge hat collection, but I gave away my purple hat, because I never wore it. I own exactly one cowboy hat, and it’s covered with lace. I have no cattle, and no guns. Just hats.

  27. Let the police decide- right, because they have such good judgment.

    Well, at least in Austin, there are bound to be fewer open carry tiddy-babies. In Austin, the cops usually shoot first.

  28. Marge Wood says:

    I never feel unsafe walking around in Austin, or much of anywhere else for that matter. It’s hard to believe that adults in today’s world feel the need to carry a gun in plain sight, or even at all. Sad.

  29. Aggieland liz says:

    Wander over to Stonekettle Station and read Jim Wright’s latest post on the increasing alternate reality of the right wing; it sheds a great deal of light (read the title!!) on what the Kochroaches are doing and why they act like they do. He is an incredible person and a very good writer; the commenters are our sorts as well. It’s worth the read.

  30. UmptyDump says:

    @Aggieland liz: Kochroaches. Good one!

  31. Cornelia says:

    I think you’ve solved the problem! Purple frilly hats may help us to separate the good guys with the guns from the bad guys with the guns. Or maybe badges instead? Perhaps police badges could do the same thing?
