Fun Read – UPDATED

April 29, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, so instead of Tweeting their thoughts, a former NRA employee – the Training Counselor Program Coordinator – wrote an Open Letter to The NRA Board of Directors on Facebook. It wouldn’t fit on Twitter and it just barely fits on Facebook.

Holy damn cow. Turns out that these guys are jackasses who run the NRA solely to make money for themselves.  I know. I’m nonplussed, too.

They are corrupt. Greed – it gets Republicans every time.

I cannot cut and paste this article. Sorry.

If you don’t have a Facebook account, get one. Make up a name and password or I’ll make up one for you.  Hell, use my name. I do not care.

UPDATED: Jaime took pity on the non-Facebook people and sent it to me in Word format.  You can download a PDF here.  Thanks, Jaime!


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0 Comments to “Fun Read – UPDATED”

  1. LizzyMom says:

    Wowzer!! That is some jaw-dropping letter.

    Betcha Letitia James is rubbing her hands in glee right.

    Bless this brave gentleman who had the courage to speak out against depraved, corrupt leadership of the NRA.

    May Wayne LaPierre, Ollie North and all those other greedy grifters rot in hell.

  2. Jane & PKM says:

    Maria the Russian gun humper was convicted, Looney Lapierre had Ollie North for lunch, now this. iirc Prior to the infusion of Russian rubles, the NRA was heading toward bankruptcy. At last, their demise?

  3. The Surly Professor says:

    I don’t do Facebook, but the New Yorker has a good article about (some of) the money shenanigans at the NRA:

    TLDR; version: it’s grifters all the way down. And Lapierre’s ouster of Ollie North is like yelling “Soooeee” in the hog pen.

  4. Actor Tom Selleck resigned from the NRA board last year, although he is still a member. So there is that.

    If the NRA goes bankrupt, good. They deserved it.

  5. If the NRA goes bankrupt with a judgement against it from the NY AG does that mean that NY gets the NRA’s membership/ mailing lists?

  6. Trump & the NRA, peas in a pod:

    * Russians
    * Questionable expenses
    * Bankruptcy

    oh yes, and
    * Liars

  7. My dear departed dad, til the day he died, said the only thing Richard Nixon did wrong was to get caught. I guess it’s a Republican thing.

  8. No matter the letter the author is still drinking the kool aid.
    NRA as a beacon of civil rights? be serious. It is not accidental that the klan and nra were both formed at the same time. Nor that their fortunes seem to be intertwined.
    This is nothing more then an attempt to show that their are “some fine people” inside the nra.
    If had had his attack of conscience before 2016 or actually exposed, with irrefuteable proof, criminal acts then maybe.
    If he had denounced the racism of the nra then maybe.
    But his continued allegeince to the lies, falsehoods and ignorance that he has helped peddle, and profited from, for so long only now to compalain about the leadership?
    Reminds me of old adage that as far as reactionary’s are concerned no matter the evidence “conservatism” can never fail it is always the fault of those serving it that fail.
    Notable example is the twits disastrous regime. Wars without end, deficits as far as one can see and bankrupting federal gov. cannot be the manifestations of a failed ideology, even as that ideology pushed for the actions that resulted in these failures, only the failure of the twit’s regime to “properly” implement them.
    So is this wusses screed. Murder inc., as represented by the nra, isn’t a inane philosophy its just poor leadership’
    Tell that to all the victims of the members of that homicidal organization.

  9. Linda Phipps says:

    Well, I DO do Facebook and will be sharing this letter far and wide. I will not, however, call it jaw-dropping as not a word of it is unexpected. My late husband, a gun enthusiast, left the organization years ago when he saw the direction it was headed.

  10. The damning thing about this guy is that he’s always been a true believer in the idea of what the N.R.A. became in it’s second incarnation. The protector of the Second Amendment. It started out as an organization of folks just as interested in firearm safety training as Second Amendment rights.
    Then came the true believers. “They’re coming for our guns”

    And it’s morphed into it’s current incarnation of the sales wing of the gun and ammunition manufacturing industry. And the True believers are being used like, …well I’m coming up short on metaphors, but toilet paper works.
    And the funny thing about true believers is that they believe that their beliefs, and more importantly their motives, are true.
    Like religion.
    This is just my opinion, and I’m just as full of sh*t as anybody else.
    But in my opinion, righteous true believers aren’t fond of having their true beliefs used to make them into toilet paper.

  11. Did any one else notice that the sock puppet for wayne as nra pres. is also chair of the committee that yakes care of the, physically, largest manure pile in honor of racism? Stomne mountain wher they tried to welcome the alt right about a year ago when any other place had the decency to turn that trash away.
    But at stone mountain who would notice another pile of trash when faced with the visage of some of the ugliest traitors, murders and racist to befoul the earth. So she welcomed the alt right.
    When your organizations president is also in the business of honoring traitors that organization gives up all rights to claim that it is a “patriotic” organization.
