Fun in Iowa

February 01, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


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They used to call them “candidates” instead of “things” but the bar has been set pretty low for this election.

Thanks to Bryan for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Fun in Iowa”

  1. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Sen/Sec Clinton gave a fine speech last night. It really surprised me pleasantly that MSNBC interrupted whatever of the snacilbupeR who was bloviating at the time to carry her speech. She was in fine stride, almost pitch perfect and dynamic and only hit one sour note. Which for the generally tone deaf HRC was another pleasant surprise. But eight years of you? Really? Seriously, I hope you pick a young running mate, if you win the nomination. Turn over the reins in 4 years, for another 8 years with your VP as President.

  2. Loved the hissy fit Scarah Pain-in-the-butt threw on the Today show, trying to deny she ever said her son’s PTSD was Prez Obama’s fault. Said she was promised they would only talk about the Iowa caucus. Matt Lauer said no such thing had been promised.
    Thank goodness we don’t have to listen to that screech owl for 8 years. I’d much rather listen to an intelligent woman who had a lot of relevant things to say, like Hillary.

  3. @pkm

    I really like that plan: 8 years of Obama followed by 4 years of Clinton 45 then 8 years of a youthful JFK-ish president would equal 20 years in the WH for Dems. Maybe after that period of Dem leadership by example the SCOTUS would look better from the bar and some good would have rubbed off on Congress. Or not.

  4. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Micr, I am ready for any combination of terms that keeps the snacilbupeR out, until they come to their senses, disband, rebuild or whatever. But until they divest of the Teahadists and Pervangelists, the closest any of them belong to Dee Cee is on an FBI list.

    As for SCROTUS, send fat Tony and the other RATS donuts and other cardiac explosives. Might take some rewiring of the electric to take out Roberts. Flashing strobes throughout the building should fix his disorder.

  5. Birdy in Iowa says:

    @Mirc n pkm
    For a VP now that can goto 2020/2028
    ponder Gavin Newsom, Lt. Gov-California.

  6. @Mirc n pkm

    Newsom already has displayed a problem keeping his zipper shut.
    With his campaign manager’s wife, no less.
    If being Mayor ( at the time) is gonna go to his…head, what will national politics do to him?

  7. @Birdy in Iowa

    A quick bio check on the intertubes reveals a lot to like. I’m sure Hillary is waiting with baited breath for our Veep recommendation. 🙂

  8. Of course after Clinton 45 takes office, I want to see William J Clinton nominated as Secretary of State immediately. I can wait on the nomination of Barack Obama to the SCOTUS until one of the RATS dies.

  9. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Maggie O, Gavin or Arnold? This is the first I’ve heard about Gavin. fwiw

    Being that both Sec/Sen Clinton and Sen Sanders are from the NE, I’d recommend a Texan. Either of the Castro brothers would be an excellent choice. Right now, right not Sherrod Brown, a complete sell-out and disappointment.

    Micr, I want the Big Dog to focus on the CGI or whatever he is calling their foundation these days. He needs to take his act to Haiti and produce results.

  10. @pkm

    OK so Bill can SecState T-Th and CGI M-W-F. Jeesh. A part-time Bill is better’n several full-time previous SecStates I could mention. Looking right at you Al Haig, Jim Baker, Condi Rice.

  11. Not that I trust anyone in the race,(I think wanting the job should be prima facie proof of derangement and thereby disqualifying), however, it seems to me that favoring Hillary is approximately the same as favoring Goldman-Sachs for president. The only person out of the whole sick crew contending for the position of top of the food chain who offers even the faintest hope of honesty and fair play is
    Bernie. If, by some bizzarroness Bernie should happen to fall into the job, he would almost certainly be without the means to accomplish much of anything. The system is so thoroughly corrupt that THE MESSIAH probably could not
    wrench things out of their rut. I, we, you and everyone has been asleep for at least two generations too long. There is no longer any hope.

  12. @Rhialto

    Tough day at the office dear?

  13. @micr

    Tough century so far.

  14. Marge Wood says:

    I keep coming back here. I really gotta do something else.

  15. Marge Wood says:

    All this is almost enough to make one want to watch the televised political events. Almost.
