Full Circle
Jeff Hoverson is described as “an American politician, pastor and businessman who serves as a Republican member of the North Dakota House of Representatives.”
He also organized an anti-vaccine rally at the state capitol. And like clockwork, he cancelled because he has covid.
But it’s not that bad, he says, because some brave soul gave him ivermectin. So, apparently he has covid and horse worms.
And there’s more —
Although Hoverson could not attend the Monday rally, the representative told the AP that his three teenage children would be there in his absence. It is unclear whether they attended.
Okay, if I was doing a job that three teenagers could do, I would suspect that my job did not require maturity or good judgement. And, apparently Hoverson’s job does not. Because ….
A North Dakota lawmaker was barred from boarding a flight at Minot International Airport this week following a run-in with airport security.
Yeah, that was Jeff. He didn’t like the pat-down.
Seems to me that Jeff is operating pretty much as you’d suspect for a man with horse worms.