Friday Toons

September 29, 2023 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized













0 Comments to “Friday Toons”

  1. thatotherjean says:

    I’m particularly fond of the Clarence Thomas tip jar and the “Freedom” Caucus high chair. Well done!

  2. Super toons this Friday, Ms. JJ! Thank you.

    The Roberts head in sand while Thomas crimes is thoroughly representative of conservative ‘values.’ The GOP will swallow anything before sanctioning one of their own. For example, they’re too spineless to throw TFG out. Lordy. Imagine their chagrin if DOJ evuh finds its way to indicting Gin & Tonic Thomas.

  3. The Surly Professor says:

    For #6, apparently the Trump attempt at waddling into the UAW strike lacks veracity. His event was held at a non-union worksite. One woman holding up a “UAW for Trump” sign is not a member of the UAW or any other union. And at least one other guy holding up a sign at the event is does not work there and is not even an auto worker(*). After admitting all of this, neither would give their name to the journalist who caught them out.

    So I’d omit that one from the line-up. There may be a few UAW workers who think Trump is peachy-keen, but you can be sure they’d never admit it around their fellow workers.

    (*) I’m well aware that a work site can join whichever union they want, and generally it will be the one that supported them in organizing. That’s one reason the steel mill I worked at was represented by Intnl Assoc. of Machinists and Aerospace Workers. I would have prefered the International Ladies’ Garment Workers’ Union just for the name alone. Steel workers represented by a “girl’s panties” union would have made managment go ballistic.

  4. O.M.G.! The empty high chair in the midst of calamity! Says it all!
