Friday Toons

July 24, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

























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0 Comments to “Friday Toons”

  1. Steve from Beaverton says:

    In 1989, my wife and I were lucky to be able to take a tour of Hong King and China- 3 weeks before the Tiananmen Square massacre. We had no idea what was coming. Beijing was like visiting the 30’s in many ways. Watching the massacre unfold on the news when we got home was gut wrenching.
    Now, here in Portland, I have the same gut wrenching feeling in my stomach. Who could have imagined. Waiting for the tanks to roll in next. By the way, they’ve also invaded Seattle last night.

  2. thatotherjean says:

    This week’s cartoons are to close to true to do more than evoke a twinge of recognition. I don’t think it’s possible to twist of exaggerate the current mess we’re in and be funny. It all stopped being funny a while ago.

  3. slipstream says:

    Late Friday. Who is he gonna fire today?

  4. all the toons are spot on. My favorite in Number 2.

    By the way there is a photo making the rounds on facebook of a guy who tried to throw a shopping cart at an employee at the store who insisted he wear a mask. It ricocheted on him and he got seriously stuck. His head is caught, one arm is dangling, etc and he is trying to say something like maybe help??? I dunno. It is karma to the MAX!!!
