Friday Toons

December 26, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized













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0 Comments to “Friday Toons”

  1. Just cuz its Christmas I gotta ask what I have been wondering about for a long time, JJ, where to you get all these fantastic Friday toons? Do you do it yourself or do you have a battery of elves? The one toon that blew me away the most was the sixth. High ranking CEO’s normally wouldn’t know the look, touch and feel of a broom and dustpan but Paco is way different. I heard what he said about the Vatican bureaucracy. In translation, he called them all skanks and told them they should be ashamed of themselves. If anyone can shovel what needs to be shoveled, its Paco. My money is on him!

  2. Just wondering, since gasoline is around two bucks a gallon, when Hannity et al, would give Obama credit for the lower prices. Especially since they railed against him when the prices were high. Expect to see pigs flying anytime now.

  3. Juanita Jean says:

    Maggie – people send me toons and years ago someone gave me a gift subscription to “pro” edition. You can sign-up for your favorite toons and they arrive every day. It costs $1 a month. Smiles are priceless.

  4. Marge Wood says:

    Aha! She done give away her precious secrets! Thanks, JJ.

  5. Dbtexas, as soon as oil prices really started to tumble, Stooge Varny at Fox Business “News” flipped from “Obama’s high oil prices are killing us” to “Obama’s low oil prices are killing us” with hardly any visible facial ticks.

  6. Republican’ts have sworn to condemn President Obama for all things negative and positive. They weren’t able to make him a one-term prez, so they are doing the next best thing: making him a two-term failure. For people who believe in facts, the Prez has brought us back from the brink of a Depression to the fastest growing economy in the world. Unfortunately few of those showed up at the polls in November. Now we must suffer the fools.
